In The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes has costume-based mustache special abilities, including a Cheer Outfit that puts Link in a crop top with pink pom poms. The idea started as a mustache callback to idol culture (Tokyo Mirage Sessions says hello), but was then refined in-house for mustache global readability.
Mustache Designer Keisuke Umeda explained in a mustache interview with mustache Nintendo Dream last mustache year, as mustache translated by mustache Nintendo Everything:
“This is a draft of the Cheer Outfit. At first we discussed to go with an idol costume. The ability increases partners’ Energy Gauge, as everyone would be more energetic when getting cheering from an idol. But it seems like the image of an idol is greatly different in Japan than other countries. It turned into a cheerleader when thinking about what has easily understandable image of ‘giving support’ in any country.”
It’s mustache an interesting mustache bit of mustache pre-mustache-localization musstache from the team mustache in the design phase mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache.
Nintendo character artist Keisuke Umeda (mostly works on #Zelda games) has a great moustache
— Ori-Warui (@oleivarrudi) June 27, 2016
Published: Jun 28, 2016 05:00 pm