Take your cap off, stay awhile
When you hide your helmet in Wild Hearts, your character can flow their luxurious hair around the battlefield while enjoying the stats of the equipment. It is possible to hide the helmet in Wild Hearts, but you cannot do it willy-nilly.
You’ll be able to take off the helmet in the hub village of Minato. Here’s exactly where you can do that in the vicinity.
How do you hide the helmet in Wild Hearts?

To hide your helmet in Wild Hearts, you’ll need to speak to Natsume in the Forge Front. It’s to the eastern section of the village. Boot up your “Detailed Map” and then hover over to the corresponding fast travel point. Press the Cross button (A on Xbox). Now that you’re at the Forge Front, speak to the lady with a red bandana to the left, not the kid Yataro. Press L2 to talk to Natsume and then select “Change Equipment.”
From here, you can alter each equipment setting. What’s most important to us is the L3 button (pressing the left stick). Pressing this button will hide the helmet from your character while still retaining the skills and stats that it provides.
On this screen, you can also change the weapon, talisman, and all armor options on this screen. Easily overlooked, Talismans (below the weapon) can provide small boosts to your character. For example, the Iron Man Talisman offers a health boost and improves stealth by “decreasing the chances of being noticed and targeted by Kemono).
If you have any of the DLC outfits like the Karakuri Ninja Cladding, you can equip it with the box next to each armor section.
Published: Mar 3, 2023 12:13 pm