Helldivers arriving in Helldivers 2.
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Tips and tricks to help you master Helldivers 2

Be the best Helldiver ever.

Helldivers 2 has taken the world by storm, and while it’s mostly intuitive, there are a ton of mechanics to wrap your head around. On top of that, you have the Warbonds, Requisition Slips, and Super Credits to make sense of.

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Don’t get despondent if your first experiences with Helldivers 2 aren’t a success for you, as the tutorial only explains the basics. With this Helldivers 2 guide, you’ll learn what you need to be the best Helldiver possible.

Team in Helldivers 2.
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Solo gameplay is hard

Helldivers 2 is a purely PvE game meant to be played with teammates. You do have the chance to play alone, but it’s not an ideal situation. You’re likely to find yourself quickly surrounded by enemies, leaving you with no time to reload your weapons or utilize any of your stratagems.

It is not recommended that you play solo for the first few hours. Instead, play multiplayer sessions. When working in a team, you get to take a breather to launch stratagems that help everyone or to use stims to recover your health. Things are just easier when there are others to help, though you should always follow proper etiquette.

Super Earth Ministry of Truth in Helldivers 2.
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Destroy the source of your troubles

Sometimes, you’ll find that no matter how many Terminids you eliminate, there always seems to be more coming your way. Don’t waste your bullets on them. Instead, find the source of the infestation and destroy it with a grenade. This stops more from spawning

Automatons typically land in a large group. This is the perfect time to launch a grenade their way and kill the majority of them in one go. Doing this is especially important when you’re waiting to be extracted and have to defend the extraction base.

Aiming in Helldivers 2.
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You can change your weapon’s shooting style

Most guns have multiple modes you can take advantage of by simply pressing square on your controller. Guns can be switched from automatic to semi-automatic, and some guns even feature a flashlight which can come in handy in certain environments. Play around with the different shooting styles to see what suits you or what’s appropriate for the situation at hand.

You can also change perspective from third-person to first-person if you feel it helps you aim better. To do this, press R3 on your controller. The game is still fun as a first-person shooter, but it’s easy to tell it was designed for third-person play, as you need to have a good view of your surroundings to ensure you don’t find yourself circled by enemies.

Whether you’re in first or third-person, it’s always a wise idea to not move around too much when you’re shooting, as it ruins your aiming. Instead, get some distance between you and the threat, then shoot while standing still.

Confetti in Helldivers 2.
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Find a good vantage point

When you’re sent on a mission, you can choose where you land. You should pick a spot that is a little bit further from spots populated by enemies. This will give you the chance to strategize on how you’ll go about wrecking your enemies. Landing in the middle of the action is still a choice for those with heavy artillery who want to deal with enemies head-on.

The landscape can also be your best friend at times. I’ve had moments where climbing onto a tall rock has allowed me to shoot at Automatons from above, which is an ideal situation. Be aware of your surroundings and be smart about where you begin your onslaught and where you position yourself during battles.

Sometimes, you’ll need to perform activities that take time to complete, such as using stratagems or changing the shooting style of a weapon. Don’t do it while running away – you’ll just get shot in the back. Instead, search for cover. Your foes may find you soon, but you’ll have a few moments where you’re safe.

Warbonds in Helldivers 2.
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Don’t forget to upgrade your gear

Helldiver 2‘s gameplay can be hard to tear yourself away from, but it’s a good idea to spend some time in your ship managing your weapons and thinking about what loadouts will serve you best.

As you play, you’ll earn Warbonds and these are used to purchase items, including Super Credits. With your Super Credits, you can replace your clothing and weapons to leave better equipped to deal with the dangers you’ll be facing. It is vitally important you do this because enemies are unforgiving and you need every advantage you can possibly get. As you get better gear, you’ll notice that the game gets a bit easier, and the feeling of being overwhelmed will melt away.

Stratagems are purchased in your ship, and you’ll need Requisition Slips to get them. This currency is earned by completing missions and objectives. It’s not enough to have sufficient Requisition Slips, however. You also need the appropriate rank before more gear is unlocked.

It is highly advised that you make smart use of stratagems during combat, as they can be your most powerful means of holding back hordes of enemies when they overwhelm you, or ensuring you don’t run out of ammo.

Helldivers 2 logo
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Practice good etiquette when playing with others

This is perhaps the most important tip that’ll help you complete missions and earn medals. Your teammates are there to make life easier for you, and you should return the favor. If you see a fellow player overwhelmed, head over and help them out. Be careful when tossing grenades to ensure there’s no friendly fire.

On that note, it is possible to shoot and kill your fellow Helldivers. Don’t do that, at least not on purpose. When there are supply drops, don’t take everything. Leave some for your buddies, as it gives them the tools they need to help you. It’s also not a good idea to split from your team. if you stick together, you form a strong unit capable of slaughtering any enemies that dare to attack.

With these tips, you’ll be racking up medals in no time, and you’ll have fun in the process. Helldivers 2 is one of those titles that leaves a smile on your face even if you fail a mission, so long as you have a cooperative team.

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Image of Smangaliso Simelane
Smangaliso Simelane
Staff Writer - Smangaliso Simelane is a writer with a passion for all things related to video games. He has been writing about video games since 2020.