Half-Life 3 confirmed
Last week, we asked you dirty Dtoiders to predict what you think will happen at each of the major press conferences going into E3. We’ve already rounded up your thoughts on Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo, and here are your predictions for third parties!
R. Hoffman:
- Playable MK 10 demo by Netherrealm Studios / Warner Bros.
- News for Guilty Gear Xrd on PS3 and PS4
- New Mega Man game by Capcom… EXCLUSIVE for Nintendo Wii U and developed by a studio owned by Nintendo. It will finally be a Mega Man game with modern graphics and not be part of any of the older MM series and spinoffs
- Tekken 7 announcement and trailer, coming for Arcades and later PS4 and Xbox One
- Resident Evil 7 announcement and reveal by Capcom
- A new fighting game by SNK. Be it a King of Fighters or Samurai Shodown or even a totally surprising new Fatal Fury… everything would be awesome
- Final Fantasy Tactics 2 yeah… hehe… really a wish
- Resident Evil 7 being a back to the roots game with a focus on horror elements instead of action
- Sega announcing another series of remakes of their classic games like the Sega Ages 2600 games for PS2, this time including Streets of Rage
- Atlus announces that they are translating Yakuza 5 and bringing it to the west
- Shenmue 3… hmph. We all know it will never happen anyway
- New CoD
- New Battlefield
- New Assassin’s Creed (current and last gen versions)
- New Fifa
- New Madden
[Some ballsy predictions! -Andy]
My modest wishlist:
- Dead Space 4 (that somehow forgets that DS3 ever happened)
- Vanquish 2
- Fallout 4
- Blur 2
- Valkyria Chronicles 4 (and 2 and 3 versions for PS3 or PS4)
- XCOM Terror from the Deep remake
- Resident Evil 7 that doesn’t suck
- Silent Hill that is scary again
- Dragon’s Dogma 2
- Spec Ops: The Line 2 (with all new cast, situation of course)
- System Shock 3
- I am Alive 2 (I loved that game)
- Catherine 2
- Two Worlds 3 (yes I’m serious!)
- Lost Planet 4 (that is similar to LP2 — I’m still serious)
- A new Rainbow Six game that pretends that MW never happened
- Chronicles of Riddick 3
[Your list is awesome… and never gonna happen. -Andy]
Ubisoft will show off The Division but won’t show much beyond a graphical downgrade from last years pre-rendered deal. They’ll also reveal an Ubiart Prince Of Persia and a second Assassin’s Creed game for this year on 360, PS3, and Wii U. To close they will show a big shocking reveal trailer for a new IP or maybe Rainbow Six: Patriots that will be revealed to not be reflective of the final product by next year.
EA is going to show off a new Battlefield and line of sports games to the groan of audiences everywhere before showing a PS4 and Xbox One re-release of Mass Effect 1-3 rebuilt to play like Mass Effect 2 (or more likely 3) before announcing the next Mass Effect game, with a four-player cooperative story mode and multiplayer to the collective unease of gamers everywhere.
As far as the other third parties go I’m hoping for some big stuff from Square Enix and Konami, trailers for FFXV and MGS5: The Phantom Pain. Best of the best thing would be some news about Persona 5 from Atlus and Sega, preferably some kind of new about a western release (shit even an “IT’S HAPPENING!” would be nice) but that’s a pie in the sky hope.
- EA will be not very good outside of showing gameplay for Mirror’s Edge and Battlefront
- Ubisoft’s will be solid and have some more of their interesting new, smaller downloadable stuff but lacking the level of MEGA announcement the last tw years had. Beyond Good & Evil 2 will at least be mentioned
- Three of the main… five (?) Japanese publishers will have one huge exclusive, all three for different consoles. Konami will be useless outside of one announcement
- Square Enix’s lineup will be pretty awesome unless they focus on mobile or something
- Atlus will do something that makes them stand out to people who still don’t fully know who Atlus is
- A new BioShock will be teased
- GTA V confirmed for next gen
- Ubisoft: Splinter Cell Movie release date
- EA: Mass Effect Movie release date
- 2K Games: BioShock Movie release date
- Deep Silver: Saints Row 5
- Dishonored II
- New Deus Ex
- Fallout 4
- Mass Effect 4
- Watch Dogs 2 – because it’s never too soon with Ubisoft
- Another Third Party Thing x/vs. Nintendo Thing
- No More Heroes 3
- Bravely Second
I hope they announce a follow up to Army of Two with Salem and Rios back in the hot seats. [*brofist* -Andy]
- Quake 5 Arena
- Contra by Platinum Games
- Road Rash open world game by United Front
- Silent Hill by Visceral Games
- Vanquish 2
- Sonic by Nintendo (haha)
- Next Elder Scrolls/Fallout by Bethesda, but combat and enemy AI done by whoever did those in the BioShock games
- Hexen by Flying Wild Hog [Oh my yes! -Andy]
- Resident Evil 7 by Crystal Dynamics
- Street Fighter 5 with HD 2D graphics
None of these will happen, but it would be nice.
We will probably see a Fallout 4 teaser trailer. And it wont be much more than a voice going “War, war never changes.”
And I will lose my shit over it. [You and me both. -Andy]
Watch Dogs X Titanfall
Hacking mechs and shooting in an open multiplayer world. Audience explodes.
Ubisoft is going to announce Beyond Good & Evil 2 at the end of their conference and then we’ll never see it again.
Luna Sy:
Sega will localize Yakuz-ahahahaha… hahaha… ha… ha
*why aren’t the tears stopping*
Girl wood!
Thanks to everyone who shared their predictions! If you missed the prior three posts, check ’em out:
Published: Jun 8, 2014 04:00 pm