The Daily Hotness: Win a trip to PAX East!

This article is over 14 years old and may contain outdated information

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Destructoid and Two Worlds II wants to fly one lucky winner out to PAX East next month. Your trip, hotel and PAX pass will all be taken care of and you just need to submit a video telling us why you deserve to win in order to enter. Check out the contest for more details.

Ashley tells us why 8-bit will never die, new Super Street Figher IV characters were revealed, PB Winterbottom is now available, new Resident Evil 5 DLC is out, the StarCraft II beta is go and more happened on 02/17/10.

Destructoid Originals:
Why 8-bit will never die (and why that’s awesome)
Dishwashing liquid arrives, basically confirms Dishwasher sequel


My Expertise: Playing the race kart
Community blogs of 02/17/10
Forum of the day: We love Anthony thread

Win an-all-expense paid trip to PAX East thanks to Two World II


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