Sony’s next handheld has been revealed. Called NGP, it sports some really cool tech. What do you make of it? Like it? Scared it’ll just be another PSP?
The new episode of Contructoid is up, Darren reviewed Breach, we checked out Yoostar 2, Max Anarchy gets a trailer and more happened on 1/27/11.
Destructoid Originals:Live Show: Backlog continues with more Killer 7 right now
Destructoid discusses Codename: NGP, the PSP successor
Constructoid: Helping Nintendo to win back the hardcore
Community:2010 Sucked: Fable III Exemplifies the Year in Disappointment
Contests:Win the new Tactics Ogre & a bunch of FF Tactics games!
Reviews:Review: Conquest
Review: Breach
Previews:Preview: Total War: Shogun 2
This is madness: Hands-on with Yoostar 2
News:NGP to dump UMD for flash-based memory cards
Ghostbusters XBLA/PSN haunting this March (Update)
PS3 finally gets some a Firmware update after eight years
Games announced for the NGP include Uncharted, Killzone
Sony announces PlayStation Suite
Icarus Proudbottom, a crappy little indie game
Square Enix’s Crystal Defenders hits Android
Sony: NGP will be ‘affordable’
Sierra portal pulled after Activision lawyer dogs attack
APB: Reloaded beta test invites going out
Play Crysis 2 multiplayer with Crytek this weekend
NGP battery life = four to five hours?
Deadwood creator adapting Heavy Rain film
Skyrim, Brink, RAGE, Hunted get release dates
Of course Carnival Games is coming to Kinect this April
Debunk: No, GameStop WON’T sell the NGP for $1,000
BioWare readying patch for Mass Effect 2 PS3 save issues
Naughty Dog, Insomniac hand over reins for NGP titles
Nintendo elaborates on 3DS battery life
Not all NGP models will support 3G
Dynasty Warriors 7 to get DLC
Who’s That Flying!? hits Steam next week
Brian Wilson showing MLB 2K11 short film on Lopez Tonight
Bad at Dead Space 2? These add-ons will help for a price
Reminder: Bitejacker is out and it’s disturbingly fun
Media: Sony announces PSP2, codenamed NGP (Updated)
Feast your eyes on the NGP concept trailer
Platinum’s Max Anarchy is Anarchy Reigns in West
So yeah, ‘Gang Bang’ is a skill in Bulletstorm
Max Anarchy trailer puts me in full hype mode
You need to watch this Magicka infomercial
Published: Jan 27, 2011 11:59 pm