Check out everything Destructoid did today
So, we put up our review today for DmC: Devil May Cry. Turns out Jim really liked it, which is good. Unless you think the fact that someone enjoyed a videogame you haven’t played is a bad thing, then you should probably get that figured out or something. Oh, and videogames!
Other than that, the Dtoid army made their collective voices heard and formed a list of their most wanted games of 2013, The Old Republic is getting a new “gay planet,” ooohuhaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, the Mario Brothers expand their business into San Francisco, and so many more amazing and weird things happened on 1/14/2012.
Destructoid Originals:
The Dtoid community’s most wanted games of 2013
Game critics collective top 10 games of 2012
The Network Roundup: Sorry, no Death Star
Community blogs of 1/14
Forum thread of the day: LGBT Issues and Vidja Games
Review: DmC: Devil May Cry
Review: Kinect Party
Journey leads D.I.C.E. awards with 11 nominations
Ken’s Rage 2 Wii U to be download-only in Europe
New patch improves PlayStation Store pitfalls
10000000 is coming to PC and Mac tomorrow
Call the Persona team ‘P Studio’
Star Wars: The Old Republic and its new ‘Gay Planet’
New Xbox and PlayStation expected to hit $400 price point
New releases: Batten down the hatches, DmC is upon us
Gravity Falls: Rumble’s Revenge is out, is awesome
Gas Powered Games turns to Kickstarter for Wildman
NRA launchs iOS game for children aged four and up
CCP will roll out the Dust 514 open beta next week
Street Fighter X Mega Man update dropping on Friday
Blizzard talks about dueling in Diablo III patch 1.0.7
The Mario Brothers expand their plumbing business in SF
Jimquisition: Only the Lonely
Watch this and your childhood will be destroyed
See what new Dante thinks of the whole white hair issue
Pikachu, I choo-OH GOD WHY
A better look at Pokemon X & Y’s starters and legendaries
The new 2014 Corvette Stingray is in Gran Turismo 5
Meanwhile, Forza Horizon debuts 2013 Honda Civic
Confused? It’s not ‘Pac-Man,’ it’s ‘Not Pacman’
Published: Jan 14, 2013 11:59 pm