That Friday music video is terrible! Oh, Rebecca Black. Please work on Deadly Preminition 2.
Wolves were confirmed for Minecraft (oh yes!), River City Ransom 2 is somehow miraculously a thing that is happening, Square Enix canceled the bizarre-looking Gun Loco, Double Fine is bringing downloadable content to Stacking, and other light news made the rounds on this glorious Friday.
Destructoid Originals:
Interstellar Marines: AAA Indie and the road ahead
Friday Night Fights: Breakin’ Birthday edition
New Destructoid Show: Dragon Age Nazi Dinosaurs?!
Win Halo: Reach Legendary Edition + the Defiant Map Pack
Review: Warriors: Legends of Troy
Marvelous working on an ‘incredible’ 2D 3DS game
BlazBlue exists because Guilty Gear fans are ‘too old’
Wait … Heavy Rain invented a genre?
Square Enix cancels Gun Loco
Molyneux: Fable 3 not so great, Fable 4 must amaze you!
‘Billy Joel Piano Challenge’ coming to Rock Band 3
3DS is taking fog effects very seriously, guys
Stacking DLC to find ‘The Lost Hobo King’
Mass Effect 2 ‘Arrival’ DLC arrives on March 29
Sony’s shaving gel PS3 promo goes horribly wrong
Dark Horse to publish digital Dungeon Siege comic
Islands of Wakfu hits XBLA on March 30
River City Ransom 2 is a thing, coming this Summer
Thor, Captain America games embrace 3D support
EA and Maxis confirm Darkspore delay and open beta
Volition: Make a game worth stealing, then talk piracy
MotorStorm Apocalypse delayed in North America, too
Next up for Minecraft? Wolves! Yes, wolves
Monday Night Combat free to play on Steam this weekend
Free App of the Day: RobotNGun
Sony promises same-day digital releases for NGP
Microsoft talks Games on Demand pricing
PC sales: The Oddboxx, Darksiders, and Global Agenda
The BattleBlock Theater intro is basically fantastic
Portal 2 TV commercial is yours for the viewing
There’s always time for another Crysis 2 trailer!
Dev says being a Ghostbuster is tough because of ghosts
Get a look at the high life in these new LA Noire screens
Raiden gets busy in latest Mortal Kombat trailer
Tribes: Ascend concept art hops into view
Published: Mar 19, 2011 12:30 am