This is a movie about a tire killing people. It’s like Jaws, except on land. And stupider.
Chad was a guest on This Week in Videogames, Jim is over the Final Fantasy series, Josh played with the Catherine demo, Crysis 2 will get a demo on PC, Conduit 2 is delayed again and more happened on 1/28/11.
Destructoid Originals:Hey! Watch this episode of This Week in Videogames!
Final Fantasy: Officially Burnt Out
Friday Night Fights: Dead Space 2 edition
Guinness World Records and the LittleBigPlanet 2 launch
Square Enix sends us bloody 3rd Birthday invitation
Vote which game will be played in Series 3 of Backlog!
Live Show: Backlog now has even more Killer 7
Destructoid: Carmen Sandiego, Gang Bangs, and The PSP2
Community:How Rock Band can teach you to play real drums
Contests:Win the new Tactics Ogre & a bunch of FF Tactics games!
Previews:Sweaty Palms: Hands-on with the Catherine demo
News:Rumor: Dark Tower games show you fear in handful of dust
QuakeCon 2011 dated for August 4 through August 7
The Clash’s London Calling hits Rock Band next week
3DS eShop, DSiWare transfers may not come until May
New Kirby game coming to Wii, and he’s NOT made of string
Crysis 2 demo coming to PC, how about that?
Kinect is the ‘fastest selling consumer electronic ever’
The Last Story sells out in Japanese stores
Nintendo announces Pandora’s Tower, doesn’t tell us much
Despite sales, Namco sees future for Enslaved series
Free App of the Day: Last Fish
Sega quiet on Sega Rally Online Arcade
SOE bringing Plants vs. Zombies and more to PSN
Captain Obvious: New Pokemon games coming to 3DS, Wii
L.A. Noire site goes live, get cozy with a coroner
Sony doesn’t believe in 3D handhelds
Steam gets another batch of Sega Genesis games
Zelda: Skyward Sword in the ‘finishing touches’ phase
LittleBigPlanet gets a much-needed wiki
MLB 11 The Show has one-button controls for the disabled
Play Slam Bolt Scrappers with one hand… for drinking!
Sample Pac-Man Battle Royale on your iPad for free
Halo goes blocky in this Minecraft mod
Super Meat Boy in my Dead Space 2?
Media:Capcom’s Marvel vs. Capcom 3 LA ‘Fight Club’ detailed
Unlockable for Dead Space 2 Hard Core mode is incredible
See Sentinel, Hsien-Ko in hot Marvel vs. Capcom 3 action
Conduit 2 delayed to April, but have some screens
Sample the music from Silent Hill: Downpour
Killzone 3 goes to the jungle in new trailer
The Cursed Crusade looks freakin’ badass
Call of Duty ‘First Strike’ screens, video swoop in
Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll gets another dramatic trailer
Chime Super Deluxed headed to PSN ‘soon’
Published: Jan 28, 2011 11:59 pm