One of the main things you should focus your attention on in Stardew Valley is fixing up the Community Center. Repairing the different rooms inside not only helps to progress the main story, but each room that you restore comes with a reward to help expand the horizons, so to speak.
Fully repairing the Community Center also allows you to move on to fixing Willy’s boat and, once you’ve done this, you can make your way to Ginger Island. You’ll also get the opportunity to unlock the Movie Theater.
Each room within the Community Center contains a number of bundles that need to be completed and each of these individual bundles offer a small reward, as well as the main reward for completing the room itself. You need to provide all of the items in a bundle unless otherwise specified.
To find out if something in your inventory is needed for a bundle, hover over it and the Golden Scroll icon to the right of your inventory will pulse if the item is still needed for a bundle.
How to complete the Crafts Room bundles in Stardew Valley

The Crafts Room is the first room that’s available to you when you unlock the Community Center. It focuses mainly on foraging and renovating this room will unlock the Bridge, giving you access to the Quarry to the west of the Mines. There are six bundles to complete as part of this room.
Spring Foraging Bundle
Reward: 30 Spring Seeds
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Wild Horseradish | Foraged in Spring |
1 Leek | Foraged in Spring |
1 Daffodil | Foraged in Spring Purchased from Pierre at the Flower Dance |
1 Dandelion | Foraged in Spring Purchased from Pierre at the Flower Dance |
Summer Foraging Bundle
Reward: 30 Summer Seeds
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Grape | Foraged in Summer Grown from seeds during Fall |
1 Sweet Pea | Foraged in Summer |
1 Spice Berry | Foraged in Summer Farm Cave (if the Fruit Bat option is chosen) |
Fall Foraging Bundle
Reward: 30 Fall Seeds
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Common Mushroom | Foraged in Fall Foraged in the Secret Woods in Spring and Fall Farm Cave (if the Mushroom option is chosen) Using a Tapper on a Mushroom Tree Mushroom Log |
1 Wild Plum | Foraged in FallFarm Cave (if the Fruit Bat option is chosen) |
1 Hazelnut | Foraged in Fall |
1 Blackberry | Foraged in FallFarm Cave (if the Fruit Bat option is chosen) |
Winter Foraging Bundle
Reward: 30 Winter Seeds
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Winter Root | Tilling soil or artifact spots in Winter Possible drop from blue slimes on floor 41-79 of the Mines |
1 Crystal Fruit | Foraged in Winter Possible drop from Dust Sprites on floor 41-79 of the Mines |
1 Snow Yam | Tilling soil or artifact spots in Winter |
1 Crocus | Foraged in Winter |
Construction Bundle
Reward: Charcoal Kiln
Item(s) needed | How to get |
198 Wood | Chopping trees or branches with an Axe Purchase from Robin at the Carpenter’s Shop |
99 Stone | Hitting stones with a Pickaxe Purchase from Robin at the Carpenter’s Shop |
10 Hardwood | Chopping Large Stumps or Large Logs with an Axe Possible drop from crates in the Mines Chopping Mahogany Trees |
Exotic Foraging Bundle
Reward: 5 Autumn’s Bounty
You need to provide five of the following options to complete this bundle:
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Coconut | Foraged in the Desert Occasionally sold at the Oasis Shaking a Palm Tree in the Desert |
1 Cactus Fruit | Foraged in the Desert Occasionally sold at the Oasis |
1 Cave Carrot | Tilling soil or breaking boxes within the Mines |
1 Red Mushroom | Foraged in the Mines Foraged in the Secret Woods during Summer and Fall Farm Cave (if the Mushroom option is chosen) Using a Tapper on a Mushroom Tree Mushroom Log |
1 Purple Mushroom | Foraged in the Mines Farm Cave (if the Mushroom option is chosen) Possible gift from the Wizard in the mail Mushroom Log |
1 Maple Syrup | Using a Tapper on a Maple Tree |
1 Oak Resin | Using a Tapper on an Oak Tree Possible drop from Haunted Skulls |
1 Pine Tar | Using a Tapper on a Pine Tree |
1 Morel | Foraged in the Secret Woods during Spring Farm Cave (if the Mushroom option is chosen) Mushroom Log |
How to complete the Pantry in Stardew Valley

The Pantry unlocks after completing one bundle of the Crafts Room and completing all of the bundles inside the Pantry will repair the Greenhouse on your Farm. In turn, repairing the Greenhouse will also trigger the appearance of Mr. Raccoon in the big tree in Cindersap Forest. The Pantry focuses on farming activities, such as growing crops, caring for animals, and creating artisan goods.
Spring Crops Bundle
Reward: 20 Speed-Gro
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Parsnip | Grown in Spring, takes 4 days to grow |
1 Green Bean | Grown in Spring, takes 10 days to grow |
1 Cauliflower | Grown in Spring, takes 12 days to grow |
1 Potato | Grown in Spring, takes 6 days to grow |
Summer Crops Bundle
Reward: 1 Quality Sprinkler
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Tomato | Grown in Summer, takes 11 days to grow |
1 Hot Pepper | Grown in Summer, takes 5 days to grow |
1 Blueberry | Grown in Summer, takes 13 days to grow |
1 Melon | Grown in Summer, takes 12 days to grow |
Fall Crops Bundle
Reward: 1 Bee House
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Corn | Grown in Summer or Fall, takes 14 days to grow |
1 Eggplant | Grown in Fall, takes 5 days to grow |
1 Pumpkin | Grown in Fall, takes 13 days to grow |
1 Yam | Grown in Fall, takes 10 days to grow |
Quality Crops Bundle
Reward: 1 Preserves Jar
You only need to provide three of the four following options to complete this bundle:
Item(s) needed | How to get |
5 gold quality Parsnips | Grown in Spring, takes 4 days to grow |
5 gold quality Melons | Grown in Summer, takes 12 days to grow |
5 gold quality Pumpkins | Grown in Fall, takes 13 days to grow |
5 gold quality Corn | Grown in Summer or Fall, takes 14 days to grow |
Animal Bundle
Reward: 1 Cheese Press
You need to provide five of the six following options to complete this bundle:
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Large Milk | Dropped from Cows with high friendship |
1 Large Egg (Brown) | Dropped from Brown Chickens with high friendship |
1 Large Egg (White) | Dropped from White Chickens with high friendship |
1 Large Goat Milk | Dropped from Goats with high friendship |
1 Wool | Dropped from Sheep or Rabbits |
1 Duck Egg | Dropped from Ducks |
Artisan Bundle
Reward: 1 Keg
You have a lot of options here, but you only need to provide any six of the following options to complete this bundle:
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Truffle Oil | Truffles are dropped by Pigs and turned into Truffle Oil using an Oil Maker |
1 Cloth | Placing wool dropped by Sheep or Rabbits into a Loom Recycling a Soggy Newspaper |
1 Goat Cheese | Made by placing Goats Milk into a Cheese Press |
1 Cheese | Made by placing Cows Milk into a Cheese Press |
1 Honey | Obtained through a Bee House |
1 Jelly | Made by placing any fruit into a Preserves Jar |
1 Apple | Apple Tree during Fall Farm Cave (if the Fruit Bat option is chosen) |
1 Apricot | Apricot Tree during Spring Farm Cave (if the Fruit Bat option is chosen) |
1 Orange | Orange Tree during Summer Farm Cave (if the Fruit Bat option is chosen) |
1 Peach | Peach Tree during Summer Farm Cave (if the Fruit Bat option is chosen) |
1 Pomegranate | Pomegranate Tree during Fall Farm Cave (if the Fruit Bat option is chosen) |
1 Cherry | Cherry Tree during Spring Farm Cave (if the Fruit Bat option is chosen) |
How to complete the Fish Tank in Stardew Valley

As the name suggests, the Fish Tank focuses on fishing and items obtained through Crab Pots and appears at the same time as the Pantry, after completing one bundle from the Crafts Room. Completing this part of the Community Center will remove the Glittering Boulder near the mines, allowing you to begin Panning in the water around Pelican Town.
River Fish Bundle
Reward: 20 Deluxe Bait
All of these fish are found in Rivers around Pelican Town:
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Sunfish | Time: Spring and Summer, between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Weather: Sunny or Windy |
1 Catfish | Time: Spring and Fall, between 6 a.m. and 12 a.m. Weather: Rain |
1 Shad | Time: Spring, Summer and Fall, between 9 a.m. and 2 a.m. Weather: Rain |
1 Tiger Trout | Time: Fall and Winter, between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Weather: Any |
Lake Fish Bundle
Reward: 1 Dressed Spinner
All off these fish can be found in the Mountain Lake near the Mines:
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Largemouth Bass | Time: All seasons, between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Weather: Any |
1 Carp | Time: Spring, Summer and Fall, any time of the day Weather: Any |
1 Bullhead | Time: All seasons, at any time of the day Weather: Any |
1 Sturgeon | Time: Summer and Winter, between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Weather: Any |
Ocean Fishing Bundle
Reward: 5 Warp Totem: Beach
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Sardine | Time: Spring, Fall and Winter, between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Weather: Any |
1 Tuna | Time: Summer and Winter, between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Weather: Any |
1 Red Snapper | Time: Summer and Fall, between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. Weather: Rain |
1 Tilapia | Time: Summer and Fall, between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. Weather: Any |
Night Fishing Bundle
Reward: 1 Glow Ring
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Walleye | Location: Rivers, Mountain Lake, Forest Pond Time: Fall, between 12 p.m. and 2 a.m. Weather: Rain |
1 Bream | Location: Rivers Time: Any season, between 6 p.m. and 2 a.m. Weather: Any |
1 Eel | Location: Ocean Time: Spring and Fall, between 4 p.m. and 2 a.m. Weather: Rain |
Crab Pots Bundle
Reward: 3 Crab Pots
You need to provide five of the following options in order to complete this bundle. The easiest way to complete this bundle if you don’t already have Crab Pots is by providing the four items which can be foraged on the beach, as well as a Crab dropped within the Mines:
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Lobster | Caught using a Crab Pot in the Ocean |
1 Crayfish | Caught using a Crab Pot in Rivers or Lakes |
1 Crab | Caught using a Crab Pot in the Ocean Possible drop from Rock Crabs or Lava Crabs in the Mines |
1 Cockle | Caught using a Crab Pot in the Ocean Foraged on the Beach |
1 Mussel | Caught using a Crab Pot in the Ocean Foraged on the Beach |
1 Shrimp | Caught using a Crab Pot in the Ocean |
1 Snail | Caught using a Crab Pot in Rivers or Lakes |
1 Periwinkle | Caught using a Crab Pot in Rivers or Lakes |
1 Oyster | Caught using a Crab Pot in the Ocean Foraged on the Beach |
1 Clam | Caught using a Crab Pot in the Ocean Foraged on the Beach |
Speciality Fish Bundle
Reward: 5 Dish O’ The Sea
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Pufferfish | Location: Ocean Time: Summer, between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. Weather: Sunny |
1 Ghostfish | Location: Ponds in the Mines Time: Any season, any time Weather: Any |
1 Sandfish | Location: Pond in the Desert Time: Any season, between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. Weather: Any |
1 Woodskip | Location: Pond in the Secret Woods Time: Any season, any time Weather: Any |
How to complete the Boiler Room in Stardew Valley

The Boiler Room focuses mainly on gemstones, metals, and other things found within the Mines. This room will unlock once you have completed any two of the above-mentioned bundles, and completing it will repair Pelican Town’s Minecart system, allowing you to fast travel between select locations.
Blacksmith’s Bundle
Reward: 1 Furnace
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Copper Bar | Created by placing 5 Copper Ore and 1 Coal into a Furnace |
1 Iron Bar | Created by placing 5 Iron Ore and 1 Coal into a Furnace Crafting the “Transmute (Fe)” recipe |
1 Gold Bar | Created by placing 5 Gold Ore and 1 Coal in a Furnace Crafting the “Transmute (Au)” recipe |
Geologist’s Bundle
Reward: 5 Omni Geodes
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Quartz | Foraged on all floors of the Mines |
1 Earth Crystal | Foraged on floor 1 – 39 of the Mines Possible drop from Geodes and Omni Geodes Possible drop from Duggies in the Mines |
1 Frozen Tear | Foraged on floor 41 – 79 of the Mines Possible drop from Frozen Geodes and Omni Geodes Possible drop from Dust Sprites in the Mines |
1 Fire Quartz | Foraging on floor 81 – 119 of the Mines Possible drop from Magma Geodes and Omni Geodes |
Adventurer’s Bundle
Reward: 1 Small Magnet Ring
Item(s) needed | How to get |
99 Slime | Dropped by Slimes in the Mines |
10 Bat Wings | Dropped by Bats in the Mines |
1 Solar Essence | Dropped by Ghosts, Squid Kids or Metal Heads in the Mines Purchased from Krobus |
1 Void Essence | Dropped by Shadow Brutes or Shadow Shamans in the Mines |
How to complete the Bulletin Board in Stardew Valley

The Bulletin Board will unlock after you’ve completed any three of the above-mentioned bundles. Completing it will reward an increase in friendship with all residents of Pelican Town.
Chef’s Bundle
Reward: 3 Pink Cakes
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Maple Syrup | Using a Tapper on a Maple Tree |
1 Fiddlehead Fern | Foraged during Summer in the Secret Woods Chopping down Green Rain Trees |
1 Truffle | Dropped by Pigs |
1 Poppy | Grown in Summer, takes 7 days to grow |
1 Maki Roll | Recipe obtained from the Stardrop Saloon and made using the following recipe: 1 of any fish 1 Seaweed 1 Rice |
1 Fried Egg | Cooked at a stove using one Egg |
Dye Bundle
Reward: 1 Seed Maker
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Red Mushroom | Foraged in the Mines Foraged in the Secret Woods during Summer and Fall Farm Cave (if the Mushroom option is chosen) Using a Tapper on a Mushroom Tree Mushroom Log |
1 Sea Urchin | Foraged on the Beach after repairing the bridge using 300 Wood |
1 Sunflower | Grown during Summer and Fall, takes 8 days to grow |
1 Duck Feather | Dropped by Ducks |
1 Aquamarine | Mined at Aquamarine nodes Possible drop from boxes in the Mines Fishing Treasure Chests |
1 Red Cabbage | Seeds become available at Pierre’s General Store in year 2. Grown in Summer, takes 9 days to grow |
Field Research Bundle
Reward: 1 Recycling Machine
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Purple Mushroom | Foraged in the Mines Farm Cave (if the Mushroom option is chosen) Possible gift from the Wizard in the mail Mushroom Log |
1 Nautilus Shell | Foraged on the Beach in Winter Possible gift from Demetrius in the mail |
1 Chub | Location: Rivers or Mountain Lake Time: Any season, any time |
1 Frozen Geode | Found in the Mines between floor 41 and 79 |
Fodder Bundle
Reward: 1 Heater
Item(s) needed | How to get |
10 Wheat | Grown in Summer or Fall, takes 4 days to grow |
10 Hay | Use a Scythe to cut down long grass Purchased from Marnie’s Ranch |
3 Apples | Apple Tree during Fall Farm Cave (if the Fruit Bat option is chosen) |
Enchanter’s Bundle
Reward: 5 Gold Bars
Item(s) needed | How to get |
1 Oak Resin | Using a Tapper on an Oak Tree |
1 Wine | Put any type of Fruit into a Keg |
1 Rabbit’s Foot | Occasionally dropped by Rabbits |
1 Pomegranate | Pomegranate Tree during Fall Farm Cave (if the Fruit Bat option is chosen) |
How to complete The Vault in Stardew Valley

The easiest of all the rooms to complete, The Vault unlocks when you have completed any of the four above-mentioned bundles. You don’t need to collect anything to complete this one, you simply have to pay and completing this room will repair the bus, allowing you to travel to the Calico Desert.
Bundle requirement | Reward |
2,000 Gold | 3 Chocolate Cakes |
5,000 Gold | 30 Quality Fertilizer |
10,000 Gold | 1 Lightning Rod |
25,000 Gold | 1 Crystalarium |
Published: May 9, 2024 08:54 am