Keep holding it
My Nintendo is such a funny thing. Every time I look at it I just miss Club Nintendo, and pretty much everyone else in the comment section does too.
You don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone! There were so many issues with the service, especially in later years when they cut down on the cool Platinum rewards in favor of making them digital only (and underwhelming at that), but the idea of getting anything free is something I’d welcome back with open arms. When My Nintendo first arrived and we got WarioWare plus a brand new Twilight Princess Picross, things were looking up. Now…we have 15% off five year old games that power My Nintendo users likely own already.
So yeah, here’s the new June updates for the service — have at ’em!
June rewards [My Nintendo]
Nintendo Selects titles:
• 15% off Animal Crossing™: New Leaf – Welcome amiibo (Nintendo 3DS™)
• 15% off The Legend of Zelda™: The Wind Waker HD (Wii U™)
• 20% off Luigi’s Mansion™: Dark Moon (Nintendo 3DS)
• 20% off Tomodachi Life™ (Nintendo 3DS)
• 15% off Pikmin™ 3 (Wii U)
• 30% off Punch-Out!! (Wii U)Prima Official Game Guide:
• Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon
• Animal Crossing: New Leaf
• The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
• Pikmin 3Mario Games
• 30% off Mario Party™ 10 (Wii U)
• 20% off Mario Kart™ 64 (Wii U)
• Mario Kart DLC Pack 1 (Wii U)*
• 30% off Super Mario 64™ (Wii U)Fighting Games
• 30% off Super Punch Out!! (Wii U/3DS)
• 30% off Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream (Wii U/3DS)
• 30% off Punch-Out!! (Wii U)
Published: Jun 2, 2017 01:00 pm