Itadori is attacking a Roblox Player in Jujutsu Odyssey
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Jujutsu Odyssey Entrance Exam Guide

We don't blame anyone for quitting the game because of this bit.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve made it to the final entrance exam of Jujutsu Odyssey, got stuck, and are now looking for help. Trust us, you aren’t alone. This was one of the worst experiences we’ve ever had in any Roblox game, and when you consider some of the things we’ve played, that’s saying a lot.

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Honestly, if this exam doesn’t get SIGNIFICANTLY easier, we’re pretty confident the player count will drop SIGNIFICANTLY soon. But enough of our rants; you’re here for a guide, and you’re getting one. Here’s how to pass the Entrance Exam in Jujutsu Odyssey.

How the Entrance Exam works

The into cutscene of Jujutsu Odyssey entrance exam
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The entrance exam consists of FOUR tests. Yes, not three, FOUR. Despite the NPCs telling you there are only three, there are actually four. Here’s the best (and we actually mean “worst”) part: you only have three lives for this test. If you lose all your lives during the exam, you have to do EVERYTHING again.

Yes, even if you die at the very last bit, you need to start from the first test. Wanna know how many tries it took us to finish this? Four! Call it a “skill issue” if you want, but having such a huge difficulty spike so early is just bad game design if you ask us. This wouldn’t be so bad if the controls in the game worked and if the game actually gave you an actual fighting chance, but we digress. Here’s how to pass each of the tests.

Don’t forget to spend all your skill points before you start this test. We’re telling you this because the game sure isn’t going to.

One saving grace is that you can do this with other players. We wanted to see if it was possible with just one person, and while it is, we HIGHLY recommend you bring someone along. Trust us, doing this solo should be illegal.

Test 1 – Finding the three cursed seals

The easiest of the three tests is finding the three seals. They are always in the same locations but usually spawn one at a time, in no particular order. Here are the three locations:

  • The Shrine just above the quest giver Miwa
  • The very tip top of the tallest tower (left of the quest giver)
  • Behind the waterwheel near the second Quest giver Todo

You’re supposed to listen for sound queues and look for them, but just check each of the locations and you should be good to go and ready for the next exam.

Test 2 – Killing 10 Semi-grade 3 Sorcerers

A Jujutsu Odyssey NPC is talking about Jennifer Lawrence
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Talk to Todo and tell him that you’re the type of woman is a tall one like Jennifer Lawrence (we’re rolling our eyes). He’ll order you to take out 10 mobs just next to him. This part isn’t too difficult but can get really annoying if you aren’t careful.

A Jujutsu Odyssey player is about to fight NPC mobs
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The Semi-grade 3 Sorcerers are pretty much the same as the Deliquents you’ve fought OH SO MANY times during the beginning of the game. We advise you to bait them one at a time, block their first attack, and proceed to beat them. Rinse and repeat this, and you should be good. The only problem here is that destroying 10 of them takes a while.

Once you get the last one, report to Todo, and he will send you to the final test (NOT!).

Test 3 – Jin Inumake and Honomura

Jujutsu Odyssey player is standing and waiting for his health to recover
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Note: During either of these fights, you can simply RUN AWAY. Yup, we did it, and we aren’t ashamed to admit it. If you feel like you are going to lose a life, just run back to where the principal Yaga is and wait for your health to recover. It takes a few minutes, which is annoying but the good news is that the bosses don’t recover their health. Sure, it’s dishonorable, but so is this entire quest, so we don’t really care.

Follow the quest marker, and you’ll meet up with Principal Yaga. He congratulates you and says not many make it this far (hey after that tutorial, we’re surprised WE made it this far, and we write guides like this for a living). He tasks you, a new potential student, with beating two of the best students in the academy. Simple, right? Yeah, we died at this part twice.

Let’s start with the easier one: Jin Inumake (the right one). Once you learn his pattern, he is relatively easy. He fires a force push at you, which can knock you back quite far and damage you. Thankfully, if you learn how to anticipate and block this, you shouldn’t have too much trouble taking him out. So, either block or avoid his force attack, get behind him, punch him, rinse, and repeat.

A Jujutsu Odyussey player is looking at Jin Inumaki ready to fight
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Now for Honomura (the left one), who is definitely tougher. Honomura has fire attacks. He can make a volcanic explosion from the ground, and he can also fire a strong flame from his fists. Both of these are tough, and you definitely should avoid them with the dash. If you don’t, you can kill 30% of your health goodbye.

The way we beat him was: to dodge one of his fire attacks, charge at him (he should charge back at you), block his attack, and proceed to pummel him. Of course, this is easier said than done. Even when Honomura is busy using his fire attack, he can decide in the last second he wants to hit you instead, so definitely block his attack before damaging him. Keep doing this until you beat him. Don’t forget to run away if your health gets too low. We died twice during this bit, so don’t despair if it happens to you too.

Test 4 – Sukuna

Just when you think you are done with this nightmare, Itadori appears and turns into Sukuna. Seeing how the examiners have nothing better to do, they figure they may as well add this to your test. What fun!

Sukuna has three phases. Thankfully, the first two phases are super-easy, but the third one gave us a lot of headaches.

During the first phase, Sukuna will jump up on one of the towers and use an AoE attack on you. The AoE does a bit of damage, but it’s super easy to avoid. What you need to do in the meantime is punch the tower Sukuna is on. Normally, you can get one string of combos on the tower before you have to dodge the AoE attack. So, keep doing this until the tower is destroyed and Sukuna falls. When Sukuna is down, he won’t be able to move, so take this opportunity to beat him. Punch him until he disappears and re-appears on top of another tower. Just repeat the process again, seriously, this is the easy part. Do this until you get his health to around 70%.

Sukuna is abbout to launch an attack on a Jujutsu Odyssey player
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During phase 2, you will fight Sukuna 1 on 1. Notice that underneath his red health bar, there is another gray bar. This is Sukuna’s stagger meter. It will start depleting fast. When it’s all the way down, Sukuna will be stunned for a few seconds, which is your chance to damage him.

While he isn’t staggered, Sukuna will try to run and melee you with an occasional AoE attack for good measure. All of these can easily be dodged with a good dash attack. So, essentially, just avoid Sukuna until his stagger bar gets all the way down, then go for a few attacks (you can usually do three sets of combo attacks), and then rinse and repeat. Keep this up until you get him to around 40%, which is where the toughest part begins.

Phase 3… and this is where we died twice. It’s essentially the same as phase 2, with one huge exception. Sukuna will use Domain Expansion. If he pulls you into his domain, you have precious little seconds to use your Evasive ability and escape. Otherwise, you’ll just get damaged… A LOT. We’re not even kidding, even after doing this three times, we still aren’t sure how the devs expected players to do this.

What you need to do: is run FAR, FAR, FAR, away when Sukuna starts using Domain Expansion. If you get caught, and you probably will a few times, you lose more than half your health. Sometimes we managed to avoid these; sometimes, we didn’t. With that said, if you manage to avoid enough of these, and still have health and lives to spare, you can eventually kill him. Some players even got Sukuna stuck behind a wooden pillar and managed to cheese the fight that way, but that didn’t work for us.

Update: Phase 3 Cheese – So we figured out a new cheese method for Sukuna’s third phase, and it’s honestly the best tactic we’ve come up with thus far. What you need to do is… stay away from Sukuna. The circular area, where the towers were, is kind of his zone, and once Sukuna leaves the confines of this area, he gets teleported back to the middle. Naturally, we exploited this to the max.

Jujutsu Odyssey player has marked the safe and the danger zones
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What you need to do is run around the safe area (see screenshot above). Sukuna will still fire his AoE at you (simply keep moving to dodge it) but will also run toward you, trying to melee you. He will also use his wide area AoE, which won’t reach you, making this tactic super effective. Only the attack, when the screen turned red was able to reach us, but it only happened twice during the fights (we didn’t even die once).

You really don’t have to worry about him meleeing you, because he’ll get teleported back before he gets even close. However, you still need to damage him. So, what you need to do is keep an eye on his stagger bar. When it’s almost depleted, charge at him (by the time you reach him, it should be fully depleted), deliver one or two strings of combo attacks, and run back to where it’s safe. Cowardly? Sure! Effective? Absolutely. Sukuna will keep spamming his wide and smaller AoEs at you, but as long as you keep moving, you’ll be safe. Keep this cowardly tactic up until you beat him.

The player has defeated Sukuna in Jujutsu Odyssey
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When you manage to destroy him, you’ll get two chests. One with a random reward and one with a Cursed Womb (which gives you your first Cursed Technique), and you can actually start playing the game.

Jujutsu Odyssey player is looking at two chests
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If you get frustrated during this fight and quit, we really don’t blame you. If it wasn’t our job to do these guides, we would have quit long ago.

That’s all there is to it. Good luck with the entrance exam. If you need a boost, check out our Jujutsu Odyssey codes.

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Image of Aleksandar Perisic
Aleksandar Perisic
Aleksandar has been a gaming journalist since 2022 and is still going strong. He started his career as a AAA game reviewer, but eventually made his way to Roblox guides, and has never looked back. An absolute God at obby courses. and a great TD player! If there's jumping involved, he's already all over it. If not, he's putting together a new team of heroes for another wave of enemies. Avoid him during the holidays because he steals presents (but brings them back later).