Among all the quests in Starfield, there is one which often occupies players’ minds the most: The Search for More Money. It’s not just a theoretical sequel to the greatest space adventure ever; no, having stacks of cash for goodies is paramount in the game. And some players will do anything for it. If you fall into that category, you may have heard of an infinite weapons case glitch people are trying in Starfield.
So far, the glitch doesn’t seem patched in Starfield yet. The most recent update was a little one mostly covering performance and other issues. If you’re looking to try the glitch, now would be the best time before Bethesda drops the “big patch” we all know is coming.

Earn all the Starfield credits with the infinite weapons case glitch
I feel the best (or worst, depending on who’s asking) part of the glitch is how easy it is to perform. As shared by Reddit user PNWTroglodyte, getting a steady cash flow takes mere minutes.
The infinite weapons case glitch in Starfield is really more of an exploit. It involves creating weapon cases in an outpost and getting them to spawn weapons you can collect and sell.
If you’re interested, the steps are quite simple. First, land on the surface of a nearby planet and whip out your scanner. Then, build and place an outpost. You can drop an outpost anywhere, but I suggest finding a patch of flat ground. Next, scroll through your build options until you get to Displays. Go to Weapon Cases and place as many as you can around you. Save the game, reload it, and open the cases. Bam! If you did it right, the cases should have a weapon and ammunition inside.

Tips on easy collection
There are some tips to keep in mind while performing the exploit. For one, creating a weapon case takes one polymer and two titanium. Both can be bought from most vendors or farmed. To change the weapon case type, highlight it in the Displays section of the outpost menu and press right or left. The smaller cases hold pistols, while the larger ones grant much bigger weapons such as shotguns and rifles. Cases also include ammunition for the weapon, meaning you’ll gather a ton of ammo as well with the exploit.

You can pick up all the weapons and ammo on your own, but there’s an easier method. After you load your game from the previous step, go to the outpost and delete it. To do that, walk up to the outpost until you can interact with it. Hold the ‘Rename’ option button or key down until it asks if you want to remove the outpost. Hit ‘Yes’, and the outpost along with all the weapon cases will be deleted. All their contents will get sent into your ship inventory. If your ship is full, they’ll appear in your personal inventory.

Published: Sep 29, 2023 03:50 pm