Dtoid city group meetups for the month of January

This article is over 13 years old and may contain outdated information

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No Apparent Reason Parties — NARPs for short — are a long standing tradition here at Destructoid. NARPs are parties hosted by Dtoiders for Dtoiders and everyone is welcome to attend a party. It’s about playing games and interacting with other people all in the name of having a good time. 

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Did you guys make any New Years resolutions? Well, if you need an idea for one or just want to make an extra resolution, why don’t you make the resolution to go to a Dtoid city group gathering? There are tons of events planned for the month of January all over, and you’re welcome to attend! 

Read on to see what NARPs are happening in Austin, Chicago, San Francisco and elsewhere!

Who: Dtoid San Francisco – Tactix 
What: Super Nerd Night, Jonathan Coulton concert, and MvC3!!! 
When: Jan 11th, 20th, 27th 

This month, DtoidSF has three events to attend! The first is the monthly Super Nerd Night at Rogue Ale’s Public House, followed by a Jonathan Coulton concert at the Great American Music Hall, and finally SOME SORT of Gamestop sponsored event on the 27! 

But you definitely just want to keep following us for other last minute get-togethers, like Saturday night dancing at DNA Lounge, or the No Pants Subway Ride 2010! 

Be sure to follow DtoidSF on Twitter and Facebook as well as check out the Google group for details of these events and others! 

Who: Dtoid Chicago – AwesomeExMachina 
What: Unlimited Gaming Blowout 
When: Jan 17th 

The fine folk at Dtoid Chicago will be meeting up at the gaming/LAN center Ignite Entertainment on the 17th for an Unlimited Gaming Blowout. For only $15 dollars you can have unlimited play until closing of all the equipment including high powered PCs, Rock Band, and console gaming on the big screen! 

Check our the Google Group emailer for more info, and check out the Facebook and Twitter for other info! 

Who: Dtoid Austin – Sean Carey 
What: House Gathering 
When: Jan 14th 

Yay house party! On the 14th, members of Dtoid Austin will be gather at Sean Carey’s house for some 4 player beat ’em up action as well as Rock Band and some movie watching! So come out and meet your fellow Dtoiders! 

Check out their google group for any upcoming events! 

Who: Dtoid Europe – Hollie Bennett, mistic
What: EuroNARP 3.5 
When: Feb 19th 

This is technically in February, but since it might require organizing transportation we wanted to let you know about it in advance! “Teh Lair” will be open again to celebrate mistic’s birthday for an awesome weekend in Belgium! There will be lots of gaming and video streaming happening, so try to make it out! 

Please join our Dtoid Europe Google Group Emailer and to follow our blog: Dtoid Europe-Cblog, as well as our Facebook group

Who: Dtoid Midwest – Jon Bloodspray 
What: MAGfest 
When: Jan 13-16 

MAGfest is coming up soon! There are lots of Dtoiders going to MAGfest, including the fine folk of Dtoid Midwest. JTIceFire will have a booth there for an unofficial meeting spot for Dtoiders. What an awesome guy! 

Make sure to join the Google group and Facebook group for more info! And check out the other goings on in this forum thread.

Who: Dtoid Northwest – Kai, DJDuffy, King3vbo 
What: NARPcastle 
When: Jan 21 – 23rd 

Its always a good time at the NARPcastle with great gaming and amazing movies. So if you are in the Northwest check out the info in the emailer! 

You can check out the Google group here for more info! 

Who: Dtoid New York – Powerglove 
What: MAGfest and “Shark Tuesday” 
When: Jan 11th and 13 – 16th 

This is a busy week for DtoidNY, since MAGfest is coming up! Not only that, this Tuesday, Hamza will be hanging out with the guys up there, so make sure to check in on the emailer to find out how you can join in! 

And now…a list of other groups that might not have anything planned as of yet, but keep checking in. New events happen all the time! 

Who: Dtoid Australia – FooLiz 

Be sure to follow Dtoid Australia on Twitter and Facebook as well as check out the Google group for details of these events and much more! 

Who: Dtoid Los Angeles – Jonathan Ross 

Be sure to follow Dtoid Los Angeles on Facebook as well as check out the Google group for details of these events and other things! 

Who: Dtoid New England – Senisan 

Be sure to follow Dtoid New England on their Google groupYoutube, and Flickr!! 

Who: Dtoid Phoenix – Dexter345 

Near Phoenix? Make sure to get involved in one of the newer city groups by checking out their Google Group

Who: Dtoid Baltimore/DC – Hitogoroshi 

We have a Baltimore/DC Google Group as well as a blog dedicated to gatherings!! 

That’s all for this month! Make sure to check our our city group post from earlier this month for a complete listing of the established community groups.  More and more keep springing up, so if your area isn’t represented, and you’d be interested in heading a group, email me at [email protected].

Hope to see you at a Dtoid event!

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