PS Vita key distribution still in limbo
The C-Wars Kickstater has just a few hours to go, with about three times it’s initial goal of $32K raised and all stretch goals met. That money will go towards bring the real-time strategy RPG title to the initially announced PC release, the 3DS port, and now the Wii U, PS Vita, and iOS.
Unfortunately, it’s not clear if the team at Onipunks will be able to provide PS Vita owners with download codes in return for early backing, as they “can’t be sure how much it would cost to generate every PSN key.” Wii U, 3DS, and iOS codes apparently wont be a problem. Makes me wonder if Sony charges more to generate free download codes than Nintendo and Apple do.
PS Vita-only owners should approach with caution, but if you own one or more of the other announced platforms and were interested in getting the game anyway, you may want to get in on the Kickstarter while you still can. Some of those backer rewards are pretty decent.
C-Wars: Roguelike Pixel Art PC Game [Kickstarter]
Published: May 11, 2013 08:00 am