Patch is in PTR
Blizzard just put out a PTR (public test realm) patch for Heroes of the Storm, and the community is pretty happy with it.
Not only does it add Dehaka and the new map into the mix, but it also adds ranked bans (!), a number of new quality of life changes (death recaps mid-match), and of course, reworks! The lowly Illidan, Tychus and Gazlowe have been severely buffed, to the point where they’re not only viable, but you’ll probably see a lot of them soon. Kael’thas has also seen some changes, and their efficacy are probably up for debate. The same goes for Sylvanas, which now has a kickass mind control heroic instead of the useless possession (which is now just a talent).
Thankfully, Rehgar’s recent nerf hasn’t drastically altered his winrate in the past week, although it does impact how fun his playstyle is. And in any case, I’m happy to see these changes take effect sometime in the next week or so.
Heroes of the Storm PTR []
Published: Mar 22, 2016 10:30 am