And yes, there’s actually demand for such a thing
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I’m by no means an expert Dark Souls player, but I’ve played long enough that this mod by JITD, which alters enemy AI in such a way that they’ll come to you more readily, sounds intriguing. Put enough hours into the game, and you’ll become all too aware of the enemy layouts. That sense of discovery and learning — perhaps what I most adore about the Souls games — is lost. Officially, here’s what the mod changes:
- No more invisible barriers for enemies
- Enemies start walking towards you from far away
- Some NPCs will follow you around. This is a collateral effect of the mod. It will make a little harder to keep some of them alive.
You can watch how that plays out in this video runthrough by VaatiVidya. Now, I can absolutely see how this mod would be unbearable in certain areas of Dark Souls that are packed full of foes, but it might be worth it just for the spectacle of it all. Find installation instructions at that first link.
[Via NeoGAF]
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Published: Oct 2, 2013 11:00 pm