The Weekend Hotness: Destuctoid vs. Squidbear

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For tonight’s entertainment, I present to you “Destructoid vs. Squidbear” by community member DestructoKitteh. It’s currently unfinished, but I encourage him to resume work soon. I want to see more of Jim Sterling with a chainsaw arm and a “Dafoe”-branded jetpack, followed by magical girl Tara Long!

Dale North, Conrad Zimmerman, and Allistair Pinsof continue to be our eyes and ears at the Tokyo Game Show. Back at home, Spencer Hayes shares his interview with Johann Sebastian Joust creator Doug Wilson, Jim Sterling rounds up reactions to the latest DmC trailer, Jonathan Holmes delivers more goodies from the New York Wii U event, I review Rayman Jungle Run, Joshua Derocher reviews Black Mesa, and Bayonetta 2 exists only because of Nintendo.

Destructoid Original:
Johann Sebastian Joust is tag made awesome
What gamers say about DmC: Devil May Cry’s latest trailer
I want to be the very best: Q & A with a Pokemon Master
Nintendo: ‘The GamePad is its own unique thing’
The Destructoid store returns with a ton of game shirts!

Promoted Blog: Suckers! I call dibs on Claptrap
Community blogs of 9/22 & 9/23
Forum thread of the day: Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z

Review: Rayman Jungle Run
Review: Black Mesa

TGS 2012:
TGS: Creepy leg touching game makes me feel pervy
TGS: Enjoy this floor gallery while we fight the crowds
TGS: Here’s seven minutes of Soul Sacrifice
TGS: Silent Hill: Book of Memories isn’t heavy reading
TGS: The many bosses of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Destructoid’s Tokyo Game Show 2012 Cosplay Gallery
TGS: Ken’s Rage 2 brings hot fisting action to the masses
TGS: Suck my Brain Kiss
TGS: Gaming with Sony’s HMZ-T2 3D headset
TGS: May J. music video packed with Tokitowa game footage
TGS: Rachet & Clank: FFA is not a return to form
TGS: Picotto Knights is a free-to-play Castle Crashers
TGS: Phantasy Star Online 2 on the Vita is a great fit
TGS: And the winner of 2012’s ‘WTF Japan Award!?!’ is …
TGS: Enjoy six minutes of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
TGS: Open Me, open you, open everything in the room
TGS: Amazing Farm takes next-gen gardening to new heights
TGS: It’s all about Soul (Sacrifice, that is)

Join us at the Eurogamer Expo in London next weekend!

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