What is it with Catherine and making men break their vows? First young Catherine tempts Vincent into breaking his vow not to sleep with other women, and now a new Catherine trailer has made me break my vow not to gush over this game until it comes out in a couple of weeks. And to think that I already played the demo!
This time it features Midnight Venus, the red ‘fro’d presenter of Golden Theater, a late-night serial whose latest episode apparently features the tale of Vincent and non-monogamous ways. Looks like the “Golden Theater” watermark up in the corner of all the demo’s cutscenes was there for a reason. The game seems to be striking a bit of a Twilight Zone or Alfred Hitchcock Presents sort of vibe to me.
There isn’t too much more in that trailer of substance, besides revealing that Vincent’s last name is “Brooks”, but I might have missed something, distracted by the gentle swaying and sparkling of Midnight Venus’ giant red afro.
[Thanks, CJ!]
Published: Feb 7, 2011 01:40 pm