Tokyo Game Show is in full gear now and a ton of content is coming out of it. We’ve brought you some nice original videos, news and media and we’ll be seeing a ton more stuff tomorrow!
Take a look below for all of the TGS content and hit the break for the full Hotness where you can read our Muramasa review, see our feature on World War II games, hear about the Wii price drop and more!
TGS 09 Originals:
EA’s pre-TGS offers stunning views of not-games
Game ads in Tokyo may be the world’s best
Dante’s Inferno invites us to get horny
Trains, games & techno!
TGS 09 News:
White Knight Chronicles 2 revealed
Capcom brings along life-size Okamiden statues
A boatload of XBLA games are being shown
These are the developers working on Project Natal
TGS 09 Media:
Pooping game: EA brings Sudoku to the DSi, PSPgo
Dante’s Inferno ‘Lust’ screens have demon boobies
Left 4 Dead 2’s Dark Carnival here, demo coming
Blow sh*t up real good in Battlefield: BC2
Tsumuji, EA’s Japan-developed DS game
One new Dead Rising 2 screenshot to hold you over
Splinter Cell Conviction dated
New Lost Planet 2 trailer, screens, art
Check out Frank West in Tatsunoko Vs Capcom
Crackdown 2 images have monsters, agility orbs
Alan Wake has a helicopter in it, confirmed
Destructoid Originals:
LucasArts talks gender in Lucidity
Podtoid 117: A walking Sarlacc
How to make your World War II game not suck
Rev Rant: Oooh, piece of candy!
The Forgotten: Street Fighter EX
Community blogs of 09/23/09
Forum of the day: Times when a game has surprised you
Zombie Apocalypse
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Nab some Uncharted 2 beta codes right now!
Last call: Win a PS3 Slim and the Watchmen Blu-Ray
Two Chiptune shows coming up in New York
Franchise: Naughty Dog wants Uncharted to be one
Murs, RJD2, Whodini, and more join Scratch soundtrack
Alpha Protocol devs respond to leaked Sega document
Three new DSi colors coming to Europe
Left 4 Dead Crash Course DLC coming September 29
EA giving away a BMW to promote Need for Speed: Shift
Borderlands briefly delayed for PC
Rumortoid: Aussie’s largest retailer shunning PSPgo
Netflix wants Netflix on PS3 and Wii
Ninja Gaiden invades Dynasty Warriors
Trials HD sells over 300k, developer responds
EA responds to Left 4 Dead 2 Australia ban with ownage
Infinity Ward vaguely teases Modern Warfare 2 surprises
God of War III demo coming with God of War Collection
Wall Street Journal talks videogames, fails SPECTACULARLY
Flash-based Plants vs. Zombies is tiny, still awesome
Taiko Drum Master for Wii: now with inflatable drum
This Lancer replica is as elaborate as it is expensive
Blaze does Sony’s job, provides PSPgo necessities
Arkham Asylum ‘Prey in the Darkness’ DLC out tomorrow
CD Projekt RED wants The Witcher 2 to hit consoles
PSA: Today’s Xbox 360 system update doesn’t add features
Left 4 Dead 2 demo to be a pre-order thing
Rumortoid: Resident Evil 5: Director’s Cut is coming
Famitsu confirms BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, new character
Wii price drop announced
Pandemic: Everyone should beat The Saboteur for its story
Flight of the Conchords coming to Rock Band
Katamari Forever launch trailer is … uh, yeah
New Super Mario Bros. Wii dated
Published: Sep 23, 2009 11:59 pm