The Daily Hotness: Nobunaga’s gotta catch’m all!

This article is over 13 years old and may contain outdated information

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So, the prospect of a new Pokémon game on the 3DS had me really, really excited. The revelation of Pokémon + Nobunaga’s Ambition for the Nintendo DS (not the 3DS) was both disappointing and exciting. The concept is definitely intriguing and the images sparked some sort of hidden Japanophile excitement somewhere in my soul. Could be good. 

Some Dtoid staffers give their impressions of Star Wars: The Old Republic thus far, Holmes reviewed King of Fighters XIII, we list our favorite game characters of 2011, the 3DS ambassador’s GBA games are available, and more happened on 12/16/2011.

Destructoid Original: 
Destructoid impressions: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Office Chat: Zelda’s patch, movie games and MvC3 DLC
Friday Night Fights: Expansion
Best of 2011: Favorite New Characters

Live show: A.D.D. Friday on Mash Tactics

Forum thread of the day: 
What game gets you into the Holiday Spirit?
Community blogs of 12/16

25 Days: Win Renegade Ops for Steam!

Review: The King of Fighters XIII

Little Deviants is cute and cuddly fun times

PSA: 3DS ambassador GBA games now downloadable!
EA selling a $100 DLC car in Need for Speed World
Sony: Sorcery shows why Move is better than Wii, Kinect
HORROR: PS Vita games will ship without manuals
Anarchy Reigns moved to July 2012
Robotical Mighty Switch Force drops on December 22
Zynga pulls in $1 billion with its $10 shares
PSN exclusive Malicious is getting an English version
Soundtracks added to all Humble Indie Bundle orders
Double Fine’s Stacking is making its way onto PC
Cobalt alpha released for Windows, but it’ll cost you

Skyrim be makin’ mad cheese… literally
The Street Fighter asks you to be serious for sec

I Am Alive trailer discusses the rules
Joe Danger: Special Edition gets free holiday ‘Santa’ DLC
Wind-Up Knight out on iOS; kiss your productivity goodbye
NICE: Uncharted: Golden Abyss gyro tilt-to-aim feature
Trailer for FIFA Soccer on Vita shows off unique features
Final ‘Choose Your Side’ video released for SWTOR
New Pokemon game is… Nobunaga’s Ambition!? Buh!?

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