The 3DS got its first original, worthwhile eShop game yesterday in the form of Pushmo, a fun little puzzler. Well, we’ve been given a Mr. Destructoid puzzle for use in the game! After completing the first level of puzzles, you’ll gain access to the Pushmo Studio and, more importantly in this case, the QR Reader. Enjoy!
We reviewed the adventurous Cabela’s Survival, Bastion is now available through Google Chrome and is also getting some DLC, S.T.A.L.K.E.R developer GSC may or may not be kaput, and more happened on 12/9/11.
Destructoid Original:Podtoid 179: Kirby’s Nightmare F**khole
Friday Night Fights: Dear Santa
This weekend on TwitchTV: The return of Also Talks
Community:Forum thread of the day: Video Games Decrease Violent Crime
Community Blog Recap for 12/9
Contests:25 Days: Win Serious Sam 3: BFE and more!
Reviews:Review: Cabela’s Survival: Shadows of Katmai
Previews:Preview: Marvel Pinball: Vengeance and Virtue
News:Bastion now available in Google Chrome
Record of Agarest 2 comes to US and Europe in 2012
Red Cross wants to see FPS games respect the laws of war
Chrono Trigger on iOS today: ‘BEST.GAME.EVER!’
Gamers learn to block intrusive ads on Xbox 360 dashboard
Battlefield 3 patches only available via Origin
Microsoft retracts support for SOPA via BSA
Rock Band DLC: Rush, Black Veil Brides, and Volbeat
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 canceled, GSC shuts down (update)
Square Enix announces Mini Ninjas for Google Chrome
Sony sends orb to celebrate Jak & Daxter’s 10th birthday
Mirror’s Edge on iPad and iPhone is yours for free today
Stranger’s Dream DLC headed to Bastion next week
Scribblenauts Remix gets voice option via Apple’s Siri
Here’s what PlayStation Plus members got/saved this year
Current Wii install base in US: 37.7 million units
Dynasty Warriors NEXT coming to North America February 22
November NPD: Xbox 360, Call of Duty, Skyrim lead sales
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning limited editions detailed
Offbeat:Egoraptor turns Pikachu into a foul-mouthed crybaby
Left 4 Dead fan film teaser is smooth as buttah
Ashley Davis slaps Alex Kidd on a shirt, makes me D’AWWW!
Media:Mega Man X iOS remake is… umm… yeah…
Touch My Katamari Billiards trailer is classy as hell
Smother yourself with fresh Mighty Switch Force! screens
Sine Mora screenshots continue to look great
Wampa Stompa: Sith Inquisitor progression video
Blacklight Retribution dev diary details customization
Published: Dec 9, 2011 11:59 pm