Why, yes, I have been known to get “jiggy” with it from time to time.
We have a lot of stuff for you guys today. We’ve got a new episode of the DTOID Show that reviews Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, a review of Ashpalt Injection, a brand new Mash Tactics, impressions of the free AR games on the PS Vita, you can fill your ears with a new episode of Podtoid, there is a trailer for a Doctor Who game, Borderlands 2 gets a release date, and The Last Story is finally confirmed for a North American release.
Destructoid Original:Podtoid 190: Cerebral Pal-Z
Ten hated videogame characters that I secretly like
Live show: WTF? Under the Skin on Mash Tactics
We talk to Slash about Band Fuse: Rock Legends
The DTOID Show: Alan Wake’s American Nightmare REVIEW!
Tribes: Ascend beta opens up on Friday with new content
The DTOID Show: Borderlands 2, RCR, & toys! SO MANY TOYS!
Community: Community blogs of 2/22
Forum thread of the day: Borderlands 2
Forums, we have them: February 2012
Reviews:Review: Dynasty Warriors NEXT
Review: Dungeon Hunter: Alliance
Review: Asphalt Injection
Previews:Multiplayer and more with Kid Icarus: Uprising
Preview: Learn to play guitar with BandFuse: Rock Legends
Impressions: PS Vita’s free AR games
Binary Domain: Life, robots and everything between
Events:Twisted Pixel needs booth chaperones for PAX East!
News:MechWarrior Tactics gameplay gets detailed
Blink 182 DLC hits Rocksmith
Etrian Odyssey IV will be a 3DS game
The Last Story CONFIRMED for North America in 2012!
PS Vita Day: are you picking one up today?
Xenoblade Chronicles dated April 6 (also, sweet box art)
Sony: demand for UMD to PS Vita transfer not big enough
Fatal Frame: Crimson Butterfly Wii confirmed for Europe
Nintendo reveals new 3DS Europe release schedule
Capcom, Sega, Namco-Bandai teaming up for 3DS game
Fire Emblem: Awakening DLC confirmed
F*ck yeah! PlayStation Vita launch day!
Guild Wars 2 beta sign-ups are live
Kojima Productions plans to open new studio in California
Netflix, Flickr and Twitter apps now available for Vita
PSA: Dillon’s Rolling Western quietly released today
God of War team helping to finish The Last Guardian
PS Vita offers ‘long term piracy protection’
Fire Emblem: Awakening confirmed for European release
Win early copy of Mass Effect 3 during space launch event
New Brain Training 3DS game in development
Retro City Rampage OST now on Bandcamp and limited vinyl
Details drop for Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
The Book of Unwritten Tales goes on sale
Media:Classic adventuring in Journey Down
Bang Bang Racing: Eat your heart out Micro Machines
Square Enix announces remix album dedicated to beer
Borderlands 2 out September 18, gets AMAZING new trailer
New trailer for Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock
Mega Man Unlimited may be the best Mega Man fan game ever
Slide Pad? Psssh: 3DS modded to use PS1 controller
Everyday I’m Chemical Plant
Mass Effect 3 has reversible FemShep cover
Terraria devs prepare to move on to new projects
Game Gear games on 3DS is a thing now
PlayStation Vita launch in Berlin
The ponies have stormed the gates of Rhythm Heaven
Published: Feb 22, 2012 11:59 pm