What’s Mr. Destructoid doing? Is he about to fight a train? Is he about to deface those paintings? Mr. Destructoid, just what are you up to?!
Dale gave us an FAQ on the DSi, you can win some sweet Godfather II swag, Assassin’s Creed 2 gets teased, the Power Glove gets updated and plenty more happened on 04/06/09.
Destructoid Originals:The Podcastle records tomorrow, whether you like it or not
A recap of the promoted Expanded Universe Monthly Musings
New releases: DSi, Godfather II, Riddick, and more
Destructoid’s Nintendo DSi compatibility and import FAQ
Podtoid’s Street Fighter movie episode records tonight! Woo!
Community:Community blogs of 04/06/09
Forum of the day: Best iPhone Apps
Those About To Die: Three bittersweet victories
Reviews:Peggle Dual Shot
Contests:Contest reminder: Win some Godfather II swag
News:Nintendo DLC update: Six DSiWare games, Equilibrio, and more
Metaboli and Epic ink deal, bunch of games added to Gametap
UK Charts: Wii Fit is back on top!
Gran Turismo 5 to grace ‘as many platforms as possible’
Nintendo and Greenpeace are still not BFF
Does this GDC presentation ‘b-slide’ confirm LEGO Rock Band?
Wolfenstein is definitely not a WWII shooter
Resident Evil 5 Versus Mode coming on April 7th
Shenmue daddy Yu Suzuki steps down at Sega
BioShock 2 trailer to premiere on GameTrailers TV this week
Nintendo blows off Japan’s sales slide, has cookies instead
Assassin’s Creed 2: new teaser site, details coming
Announcements from the grave: Midway’s still kickin’
Schafer: Gamers care too much about sales
Six Days in Fallujah announced
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories art and logo surface
Amazon’s Deal of the Day is a Blizzard lovefest
MMO donating 5 percent of all purchases to charities
Everything is turning into the Wii
New Halo book trilogy focuses on the Forerunners
FLOCK! and Puzzle Quest: Galactrix coming to XBLA on April 8
Xbox 360 motion sensing remote coming this fall
Demigod goes gold, Collector’s Edition gets unboxed
Stargate Worlds’ outlook is grim
Rockstar to award one lucky player with tons of free pizza
Wii’s cost 45% less to make while Nintendo raises Euro costs
Offbeat:Fan mods his iTouch, gets his own Pip-Boy 3000
Updated Power Glove is so bad
More things to do with your Wiimote: control a lawnmower
Left 4 Dead tribute is stunning
SF IV pro tip: Don’t celebrate until the match is over
Super Mario Bros. meets Star Wars in this art mashup
PETA takes the fight against seal slaughter to WoW
This week’s new videogame-related shirts
Fable II DLC announced, promises you’ll ‘see the future’
Video: Overlord Minions assets for your diabolical pleasure
Fight Night Round 4 to have dynamic tears, also sweat
EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis gameplay footage looks hot
Gears of War 2 ‘Snowblind’ map pack detailed by Marcus Fenix
Published: Apr 6, 2009 11:59 pm