
The Daily Hotness: Catherine

This article is over 14 years old and may contain outdated information

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The team behind Persona has announced their first HD game, Catherine. I don’t know what it’s about but it has a hot girl eating pizza and stuff. Hot.

Samit brought us a ton of cover of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011, Hollie Bennett brought us some lovely interviews, Portal 2 got a released date, Viewtiful Joe is in Marvel vs Capcom 3, a blue colored PlayStation 3 was revealed for Japan, Retro City Rampage is going to be amazing, No More Heroes gets Move support and so much more happened on 08/18/10.

Destructoid Originals:
THQ ‘following suit’ with WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 online pass
THQ’s WWE SmackDown vs. Raw games to remain annual
Sundays with Sagat: Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom Vs. Birdie
Take-Two responds to UNICO’s Mafia II complaints
GC 10: Interview with Paul Wedgewood on Brink
GC 10: Dating sites helped shape Hunted’s multiplayer
GC 10: Interview with Red Faction designer James Durel
GC 10: Interview with Josh Sawyer of Fallout New Vegas


Community blogs of 08/18/10

GC 10: Diablo III crafting trailer and discussion
GC 10: Impressions of id Software’s Rage
GC 10: Red Faction: Armageddon hands-off preview
Hands-on: Gunnar gaming and 3D eyewear
Enter the WWE Universe in WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011
GC 10: Hands-on with Brink’s multiplayer
Hands-on: NBA 2K11
GC 10: Hands-on with co-op in Hunted: The Demon’s Forge
GC 10: An early look at Stronghold 3

gamescom 10 news:
GC 10: Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood beta dated for Europe
GC 10: Ubisoft’s ‘Project Dust’ gets final name
GC 10: Michael Jackson game songs work you day, night

gamescom 10 media:
GC 10: Viewtiful Joe and Dormammu join Marvel vs Capcom 3
GC 10: Dungeon Siege 3 gets new screens
GC 10: Here are some BioShock Infinite screens
GC 10: Cyrax, Kitana come to Mortal Kombat
GC 10: Interview with Doug Lombardi of Valve
GC 10: Torchlight II gets a sexy co-op trailer
Aya needs new pants in latest The 3rd Birthday trailer
GC 10: Loads and loads of Sengoku Basara stuff
GC 10: Splatterhouse trailer mixes the old with the new

Bret Hart is WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 pre-order bonus
Shatter dev creating a new music game
Scott Pilgrim game soundtrack out next week!
Portal 2 release date: February 9, 2011
Stephen Merchant to play Wheatley in Portal 2!
THQ considering ‘longer development cycle’ for UFC game
Square Enix used PS3 footage for FF XIII Xbox 360 advert
Realtime Worlds goes into administration
Free App of the Day: Escape from Nom
Scott Pilgrim vs. Game Films: Topped by Doom, Max Payne
No More Heroes PS3 supports PlayStation Move
UNICO wants to halt release of ‘racist nonsense’ Mafia II
Digital Extremes making Homefront for PC
Kirby’s Epic Yarn box art makes me spunk from my penis
Free-to-play Lord of the Rings Online dated
MAG gets Move support, new Beta program announced
Madden NFL Superstars apparently hitting Facebook
Suda 51’s next game is called Sine Mora

Got $250,000? Buy a Final Fantasy orb!


See what Red Faction: Armageddon has in store for you
See the tools of the trade in Mafia II
Retro City Rampage looks freaking amazing!
Gran Turismo 5 dated for Japan, new blue PS3 revealed
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit tells us to never settle
Here’s what H.A.W.X. 2 has to offer in latest trailer
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 ‘This Is Your Moment’ trailer
The Last Story looks hot in these new screenshots
Here’s a huge load of Sonic Colors Wii/DS screens
Ubisoft reveals its Kinect-only brawler, Fighters Uncaged
Full Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock tracklist unveiled
Metroid: Other M gets a silly amount of screenshots
Persona team announces its first HD game, Catherine
Sony mocks iPhone in utterly obnoxious ad

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