Resident Evil announcement

That teased Resident Evil announcement was a website update


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[Update: More games have been added to the history section, which is shaping up nicely. Code Veronica, Outbreak, and Outbreak File #2 are on there. The latter two are often forgotten in RE history: and in spite of all the mediocre multiplayer attempts from Capcom for RE in recent years, I’d love to see Outbreak make a proper return with love and care put into it. The next update is teased for March 1.]

[Update #2: The Project Umbrella RE: Digest Twitter account notes that a few of the assets on the site have been “touched up,” and not merely copied and pasted. While it’s somewhat of a leap to assume that remasters are coming for any given game, it’s nice to know all the same.]

That recent Resident Evil announcement was just a website history page update: nothing to see here! No RE4 remake.

On Valentine’s Day, the Twitter account for the Resident Evil portal tweeted out something about “suspicious activity” coming up on the portal. It teased that staff was “busy,” and that there is “something going on tomorrow at [February 15] at 4PM JST, which is early morning the next day in the west.

The Resident Evil announcement tease actually was suspicious and had a lot of people buzzing, as you could clearly read the words “Resident Evil 2” in the obfuscated teaser image. That tease turned out to be a history update. Not a game!

Upon loading the site this morning, fans were greeted with the message “the following titles have been added to [the history section].” That list includes Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. You have to log in with a Capcom ID to view them, but you’ll be able to see “artwork never before released online” for each game; and there’s a cute little release timeline, going from 1996 through 2002. The next update is scheduled for February 22. Most likely, more history portions are coming, as it cuts off at RE3 and there’s more to go.

I didn’t expect much to begin with. The thing is, I’ve been here before! Capcom, to its credit, actually does keep up the Resident Evil website. It’s a place to find out about upcoming betas, mill around info, and in previous years, linked to older games. So they’ve had teases like this in the past, and they ended up launching as website updates.

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Chris Carter
Managing Editor/Reviews Director
Managing Editor - Chris has been enjoying Destructoid avidly since 2008. He finally decided to take the next step in January of 2009 blogging on the site. Now, he's staff!