A vicious pirate captain by the name of Bloody Bones is said to have stashed a hoard of sapphires somewhere in the world of Skull and Bones. Obviously, we want it. Here’s how to complete the Bloody Bones’ Legacy investigation in Skull and Bones, along with the rewards.
I bet the reward is sapphires. Not everyone will have access to the quest. You need to have both of these requirements to play it:
- The Bloody Bones quest is exclusive to those who purchased the Premium Edition of Skull and Bones
- The quest unlocks alongside the ‘Investigations’ side content when you reach the pirate rank of Buccaneer
Like all extra content in the game, you claim the investigation via the Mailbox at a Pirate Den. But you can’t start it until you get to the aforementioned level of Infamy.
Bloody Bones’ Legacy investigation walkthrough in Skull and Bones
To start the investigation, you need to accept the Bloody Bones’ Legacy letter at the Mailbox. Once you do, another letter will appear on the edge of the Mailbox, beckoning you with mystery sparkles. Read it, and the investigation kicks off proper.
Be sure to track the quest either by holding the ‘Track’ button down when the investigation begins or by tracking it from the Journal. You can check investigation clues by going to the menu and opening the ‘Knowledge’ tab and clicking on ‘Investigations’. You’re right, it is cumbersome.

The letter hints that you must travel to the settlement of Hovohovo to locate the wreck of a Compagnie frigate. Hovohovo is found southwest of the Red Isle along the coast. If you have the Fort Louis outpost unlocked, you can use it to fast travel.

The wreck itself is right outside of the town, so it’s easy to find.

Cracking open the wreck awards you in another letter. Read it to get the hint that you must track down a Compagnie warship Le Paradis, which was last seen near Fort Louis. The fort is southeast of Hovohovo.

Travel in that direction and use your spyglass to search for Le Paradis.

Le Paradis is only a Rank 4 ship, so you should have no trouble taking it out as a Buccaneer. At least, you shouldn’t have an issue if you’ve been leveling up your ship. Sink the French Broadsider and you’ll receive another letter containing the final clue to the investigation.
Bloody Bones has met her demise, but her grave along with her treasure can be found in Fort Louis. Dock at the fort and search for her grave: A humble, broken plank of wood.
To find the grave, head forward from the dock and run up a short hill. Turn right at the first fork in the road and spot the grave under a tree. Look for the pillar of orange light.

Bloody Bones’ Legacy investigation rewards
Dig up the grave to find a chest laden with… sapphires, just as I thought. Finishing the Bloody Bones Legacy investigation rewards in 20 Uncut Sapphire, a Rugged Chest, and one final letter.
The letter wraps up the sorrowful tale of Bloody Bones, but at least her legacy lives on — as a lemur cosmetic. Yes, opening up the Rugged Chest gives you 2,000 Silver, eight Cogwheels, eight Wood Tar, and the ‘Death’s Hand’ pet cosmetic for your ship as part of the Ashen Corsair Set. Worth.
But what of her ship, the Ashen Corsair? Well, that is an investigation for another time.
Published: Feb 20, 2024 03:02 pm