Chespin roasting on an open fire
The 7-Star Chesnaught Tera Raid event is live in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. While this monster with the Mightiest Mark title is enough of a prize on its own, it comes with an additional bonus. That’s right, you can use Chesnaught to get Chespin eggs! Here’s what you need to do.

Bring Chesnaught and Ditto to a picnic
Just like previous raid monsters, you can get a Chespin egg by bringing Chesnaught and Ditto to a picnic. For best results, remove all other Pokemon from your party to ensure Chespin will appear as an egg. This effectively circumvents the “only one Chesnaught can be caught per save file” rule of the 7-Star raid, though baby Chespin won’t have the Mightiest Mark title. Use this trick to give your friends a Chesnaught if they miss the event!
For more information, check out our guide to find Ditto here. We also have a detailed guide on egg hatching here. If you plan to hatch a lot of eggs, consider getting a Pokemon with the Flame Body ability as well.

In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, Chespin still evolves into Quilladin at level 16, and Chesnaught at level 36
As always, all you need to evolve your Chespin is good old level grinding. For best results, use your EXP Candies to level up Chespin fast. If you’ve run the 7-Star Chesnaught Raid, there’s a good chance you have more than a few EXP items to spare.
Published: May 11, 2023 07:55 pm