Using a mount in Palworld not only makes travel faster, but opens up a lot of attacks that you can do through the Pal you’re riding. However, not all Pals are as good as the other and as you progress through the game, you’ll soon find yourself wanting an improvement.
Whether you’re traversing the land, swimming to a distant Wildlife Sanctuary, or soaring through the skies, you’ll need a suitable Pal to use as a mount. Even at the very start of the game, you can use anything from a Nitewing to a Dinossom as a mount, but they’re not particularly fast and they lack stamina for long bursts of speed.
When looking for the best mount, you’ll need to consider speed, but also stamina. To confuse matters, each Pal has a specific amount of both, and on top of that, you also need to consider both Passive Skills and Partner Skills, which can also provide speed buffs to a mounted Pal. An example of this is Motivational Leader or Swift. There are also Passive Skills such as Infinite Stamina, which increases the Stamina of any mount Pal by 50%. Not to mention the fact that some mounts come with additional benefits such as double jump capabilities.
I know. It’s a lot.
To help, I’ve taken a deep dive into the topic of mounts and done some research, some testing, and more than a reasonable amount of complaining. Here’s what I figured out.
Bear in mind that half of the fun of Palworld is figuring out your own play style and what works for you within that. You may not agree with some of my choices here, but it’s worth exploring all of the mounts you can to figure out what works best for you.
Top mounts for traversing the land in Palworld
If you’re looking for a Pal to help you traverse the land in Palworld, technically, the fastest mount in the game is Necromus, with a basic speed of 1600. However, while it is indeed a very fast mount, it falls short in terms of stamina, so if you’re looking for a healthy balance between the two, there are better options that are also easier to obtain.
Frostallion & Frostallion Noct
Sprint speed: 1500 | Stamina: 300

Okay so maybe I lied about being easy to obtain, but these two are breedable if you know which parent pairs to couple up in your Breeding Farm.
Both Frostallion and its Noct counterpart boast an impressive basic speed stat of 1500 and a stamina stat of 300, which means that you’ll be able to maintain sprint speed for much longer periods of time with Frostallion when compared to other ground mounts. Additionally, while riding Frostallion, player attacks are changed to ice-type attacks. Riding Frostallion Noct applies a similar buff, except player attacks are changed to dark type.
Sprint speed: 1600 | Stamina: 100

While Paladius is, admittedly, ever so slightly slower than Frostallion at a basic level and suffers from a measly 100 stamina, there is a secret to this mount that makes it a very good land mount; Paladius, for all of its shortfalls, has a triple jump capability, meaning that it can traverse difficult terrain with ease. Sadly, Paladius offers no attack buffs to its rider.
Mount speed: 1050 | Stamina: 100

While the previous two mounts are good for speed over the land, perhaps none is better than Fenglope when it comes to adaptability over coarse terrain. While Fenglope doesn’t benefit from the same speed perks as other mounts, it does benefit from one very particular and unique Partner Skill — Wind and Clouds. This skill allows Fenglope to perform double jumps while mounted, and they’re particularly high, allowing you to easily traverse even the most unforgiving landscapes. What’s more, as you don’t take any fall damage while mounted, you don’t need to worry about going splat on the floor below you, even if you’ve leaped off a cliff and are temporarily airborne.
Best mounts for the water in Palworld
Water mounts allow players to effortlessly travel over water, something that flying mounts also do, which often leaves swimming mounts overlooked. However, there are additional benefits to be gained by using a dedicated swimming mount if you’re traveling a long distance over water. Currently, there are only three swimming-specific mounts in Palworld, so I’m going to look at all of them in depth.
Sprint speed: 800 | Stamina: 100

Azurobe boasts the additional benefit of also being able to fly, so it’s kind of a double whammy when it comes to exploration of Palpagos, Sakurajima, and Feybreak. With a basic speed stat of 800, it’s the fastest swimming mount in Palworld currently. Notably, Azurobe is the only swimming mount that does not have a Partner Skill that prevents stamina loss over water and doesn’t do it any favors when coupled with the basic Stamina stat of 100. However, if you value speed and don’t mind stopping to rest between stops, then Azurobe is probably your best choice.
Mount speed: 700 | Stamina: 100

Unlike its Ignis counterpart, Jormuntide will allow a player to travel over water, and thanks to its Stormbringer Sea Dragon Partner Skill, you won’t lose any stamina while doing so. The lack of stamina depletion is the biggest benefit to using swimming mounts because you can travel for as far as you like and never have to worry about running out of steam – useful when you consider that Jormuntide has a basic stamina stat of 100. However, Jormuntide is not a fast mount; the basic speed stat for this Pal is only 700 but it may be worth the sacrifice if you want uninterrupted travel between the many islands of Palpagos and beyond.
Mount speed: 650 | Stamina: 100

Don’t bother trying to take Surfent Terra out over the water, it won’t end well for you, I promise. Only the water type Surfent is a swimming Pal, although it is the slowest Pal on this very short list with a basic speed stat of 650. On the plus side, the Partner Skill for Surfent also prevents stamina loss while traveling over water, so the basic stamina stat of 100 isn’t an issue and you can keep swimming for as long as you like without worrying about floundering.
Must-have mounts for aerial exploration in Palworld
Before we begin this section, I’m going to address the Mammorest in the room:
Yes, Jetragon is absolutely the fastest mount in Palworld, full stop, and nothing can come close. Is the 3300 basic mount speed stat impressive? Of course. However, despite its speed, Jetragon still has the same basic stamina stat of 100 so while it can speed through the skies at lightning speed, it can’t do it for long.
Also, Jetragon is possibly the last Alpha Boss you will fight and it cannot be bred unless you already have two Jetragons to breed it from, making it one of the hardest Pals to get your hands on.
For those reasons, I’m not including it in my list and I still stand by that decision while updating this one year later.
Moving on, here are some relatively easy to procure flying mounts that still boast decent stats.
Mount speed: 1400 | Stamina: 230

Boasting a basic mount speed stat of 1400 and an impressive stamina stat of 230, not only can Faleris fly quickly, but it can fly for a long time and that makes it the best pre-level 50 flying mount currently within Palworld. This Pal also has the “Scorching Predator” partner skill, which will cause ice-type Pals to drop more items when defeated. As such, if you’re going flying around the ice-capped mountains, this is the perfect mount to take with you.
Mount speed: 1300 | Stamina: 150

Despite having a basic stamina stat of 150, which is still noticeably better than most other mounts within the game, Ragnahawk boasts a speed stat of 1300. Best of all, Ragnahawk is easily breedable with a long list of potential parent pairs, so it’s easy to get from mid-game onwards. Last but not least, Ragnahawk applies fire damage to a player’s attacks while mounted, so again, it’s perfect if you want to go and attack some ice Pals.
Suzaku & Suzaku Aqua
Mount speed: 1100 | Stamina: 350

Technically, Beakon is faster than Suzaku by 100 but I’m skipping over it for a very good reason.
Despite the fact that Suzaku and its Aqua counterpart have a basic mount speed of 1100, slower than the other two I’ve mentioned here, These Pals have more stamina than any other mount within the game. With a basic stat of 350, Suzaku and Suzaku Aqua can fly for a very long time without having to worry about crashing to the ground. Additionally, each variant buffs its types of attack while mounted, so Suzaku buffs fire attacks while Suzaku Aqua buffs water attacks.
Best mounts for combat in Palworld

It’s hard to come up with an overall “best for combat” choice because each Pal is useful in their own specific way. There are a lot of Pals who bolster certain attacks with their Partner Skills, so you need to judge per situation which one is best for you determined by what you need to get out of them.
There are, however, some Pals that can provide an overall boost to general attack power due to their Partner Skills. Here’s a list of all mountable Pals that can also serve to increase your overall attack power, rather than pinpointing a specific type of attack to boost:
Pal | Effect |
Pyrin | Increases overall attack, changing attack type to Fire while mounted |
Pyrin Noct | Increases overall attack, changing attack type to Dark while mounted |
Frostallion Noct | Increases overall attack, changing attack type to Dark while mounted |
Frostallion | Increases overall attack, changing attack type to Ice while mounted |
Maraith | Increases overall attack, changing attack type to Dark while mounted |
Ragnahawk | Increases overall attack, changing attack type to Fire while mounted |
Univolt | Increases overall attack, changing attach type to Electric while mounted |
Beakon | Increases overall attack, changing attach type to Electric while mounted |
Azurobe | Increases overall attack, changing attach type to Water while mounted |
Helzephyr | Increases overall attack slightly, changing attach type to Dark while mounted |
Chillet | Increases overall attack, changing attach type to Dragon while mounted |
Chillet Ignis | Increases overall attack, changing attach type to Fire mounted |
What is the fastest mount in Palworld?

As I previously mentioned, Jetragon is the fastest mount in Palworld, regardless of whether you’re going over the land, water, or through the skies. The Pal’s stats haven’t been improved upon by any of the additional Pals added in the Sakurajima or Feybreak updates, either. The impressive 3300 speed stat is made all the most impressive by breeding to get the perfect Passive Skills to increase it, and there are also Passive Skills that can be used to negate the woeful Stamina stat, such as the Infinite Stamina Passive Skill.
However, you’ll still need to take breaks from flying with Jetragon regardless of what Passive Skills you end up with, so it’s not good for long-distance travel unless you’re prepared to come back down to earth relatively often. With all of that said, it’s still the fan favorite and I appear to be in the minority when it comes to opting for other choices, so this is entirely down to your own personal preferences.
Published: Jan 14, 2025 12:36 pm