Sir Clifford of Bleszinski, who I think is handsome and has great hair, upset a few PC gamers today by making a little jab about the lack of a non-console Bulletstorm demo. A taster for the highly anticipated game hits the Xbox 360 and PS3 next week, while PC fans are left out in the cold.
“BULLETSTORM DEMO COMING TO 360/PS3 JANUARY 25th,” tweets the firm-thighed stallion. “In other news, PC gamers are grumpy about this.”
Of course, this rather gauche comment raised the hackles of perpetually miserable computer gamers across the nation, leading to comments such as this:
“Let’s see who’s gonna be grumpy after I pirate the game out of spite!! >:D”
You’d think PC gamers would’ve gotten used to being screwed by now, but it doesn’t take much to set off the hornet’s nest. And when you do, it never fails to amuse me how many of them bring up piracy like a threat, inadvertently justifying a developer’s choice to ignore the PC market.
Nevertheless, I’m excited for the game and will be downloading the demo, because I’m awesome like that.
No PC Bulletstorm Demo, CliffyB Indifferent [Rock, Paper, Shotgun]
Published: Jan 17, 2011 03:20 pm