Well, he got a game so far: that beats some other Nintendo anniversaries
If you’re looking to celebrate the Kirby 30th anniversary beyond Forgotten Land, you might be in luck. Nintendo teases there’s more to come.
Here’s the full statement from the company:
“It’s the 30th anniversary of the Kirby series! Download a special wallpaper from our website and stay tuned for news regarding #Kirby30 activities coming soon.”
So you’re saying there’s more? Enough to warrant a hashtag? Someone is looking out for Kirby and I like it. Even if it’s a series of website arts and crafts, I’ll take it.
If you’re keeping track, so far there’s:
- Kirby and the Forgotten Land
- A 30th anniversary wallpaper
That already beats out the fate of a few other properties at Nintendo when it comes to anniversaries. I still can’t believe that Kid Icarus was completely snubbed for its 30th. Star Fox is celebrating its 30th next year — hopefully something comes of that!
Of course, Japan kind of never stopped honoring Kirby, as he’s the perfect kawaii mascot for all sorts of merch and food items. It’s always a Kirby anniversary of some sort over there. It’s hard to believe it’s been 30 years, but given that I have vivid memories of playing the original on Game Boy, I guess it checks out.
The actual anniversary itself happens on April 27 in Japan, August 1 for the US, and August 3 for Europe.
It’s the 30th anniversary of the Kirby series! 🎉
Download a special wallpaper from our website and stay tuned for news regarding #Kirby30 activities coming soon.
Get your wallpaper here: https://t.co/wxW73Ew1EG https://t.co/nAacQKxTiv
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) January 12, 2022
Published: Jan 13, 2022 12:00 pm