Ten years after the launch of the last version, Dungeons & Dragons will see the launch of the new Dungeon Master’s Guide 2024 on November 12. The creators have said that it will continue fewer stuff DMs don’t need. The 2014 version was considered difficult to understand, even for experienced DMs, but senior D&D game designer James Wyatt has said that this iteration is clearly set out and easier to follow. Even novice DMs, or those making their first move from player to DM, will be able to create adventures directly from the book itself.

New core rulebooks are usually launched when the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons releases. 2014’s launch coincided with the new 5th edition. However, 2024’s set is more of an update to 5e and not an entirely updated ruleset.
The book is 384 pages long despite containing streamlined rules. It contains five full adventures, set in Greyhawk, and tools to make game management and adventure tracking easier.
Although new systems and rules are scant, one new mechanic to be introduced is the Bastion system. Previous versions have discussed the management of a personal keep or other adventurer’s homestead, but there have never been any hard and fast rules. The Bastion system changes that.
A Bastion is described as being a stronghold for players and other party members. As well as offering somewhere to rest, bastions also include facilities that can offer buffs and benefits, as well as hirelings. Bastions can be customized, and they can even be combined to create massive party headquarters.
The homesteads can be managed at the table, with a bastion turn occurring every seven in-game days, or away from the table. As always, players should confirm this with their DM. Bastion events can also happen, which may have positive or negative effects.
Another new addition to this year’s guide is magic item crafting. To successfully craft items, players must have proficiency in Arcana as well as with the types of tools they will use. They also need to know the spell that is relevant to the effect of the magic item.
Crafting does have a gold and material cost, and it takes time. The Dungeon Master may prevent players from crafting certain types or levels of items if it would unnaturally tilt the game in or against the player’s favor. But magic items can be completely customized, including naming the item, and giving it a backstory.
Other than these quite significant changes, DMs will also find changes to classes, spells, species, and combat. The same updates can also be found in the player’s handbook. Existing adventures might need to have a few tweaks from the original 5e rules to run properly using the new updated version, but the changes shouldn’t be too complicated.
The new rulebook officially launches on November 12 and is part of the 50th anniversary celebrations, which have been taking place all year. As well as new core rulebooks, three brand new adventures have been unveiled – Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, Vecna: Eve of Ruin, and Quests from the Infinite Staircase.
Wizards of the Coast has also announced a new book entitled The Making of Original Dungeons and Dragons: 1970-1976 which not only includes a timeline of the early development of the TTRPG but also features original artwork.
A D&D Documentary has been produced by celebrity D&D lover Joe Manganiello, and a D&D-themed Lego set will also launch while WizKids is launching new miniatures. The US Postal Service is offering D&D stamps, and companies including Converse will launch commemorative products.
Published: Oct 31, 2024 03:22 pm