You can forget the birth of the World Wide Web or the creation of the .com. You might as well throw the rise of the blogs or the invention of Youtube in the trash can. According to Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg, being able to buy a pair of sunglasses for a bobble-headed cartoon character trumps all those Internet hallmarks.
The Xbox Live product management director has suggested that the launch of the New Xbox Experience could be the biggest moment in Internet history. Before that, however, he promised that we so-called “core” gamers will get some edgy-as-Hell avatars:
“[W]e realize that for core gamers, they’re going to want their avatars to be a lot edgier, not as cute. We’re going to do a lot of things to enable that—not just looks and feels and clothes, but you’ll even be able to unlock things in games.”
I dread to think what Microsoft’s idea of “edgy” is. I’m guessing it involves flared trousers and pink shirts. Because Microsoft is boiler in the hood, son. Solid boiler. Greenberg then went on to make his boastful claim:
“With that 14 million people [getting the update], it’s probably the biggest moment in the history of the Internet.”
You don’t get much bigger than that. Google is probably sh*tting itself over this as I speak. Microsoft has already confirmed it — The NXE will be BIGGER than GOOGLE! Thus it was promised, thus it better come true or we will all be bitterly disappointed.
Ball’s in your court, Microsoft.
Published: Oct 16, 2008 05:10 pm