Sunbreak patch notes

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak just got an update, here’s all the patch notes

Version 11.0.2

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Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is going to be getting a steady stream of major updates, but today we got a patch that could definitely be considered minor. It’s Sunbreak patch notes time.

One of the big fixes involves anomaly investigations, which have been bugged lately (namely when it comes to search conditions, as well as “unauthorized quest” and harvesting errors). Weapons and armor occasionally have had issues with specific decorations and augmentation, which have been cleared up. It’s basically fixing some issues the last major patch ushered in.

As always, Capcom reminds folks that you’ll need a Switch Online membership to play online, and that you can check the version of your current build on the bottom right-hand side of the title screen. For Switch it’s version 11.0.2, and on PC, it’s

You can find the full patch notes below

Sunbreak patch notes: player changes

  • Fixed an error that occasionally occurred if you register an equipment loadout containing a weapon with a Rampage Decoration, rollback the upgrade for that weapon, and then try to select that particular equipment loadout again.
  • Fixed an issue occasionally affecting the results of augmenting armor when performing specific steps while augmenting a weapon.
  • When changing the target in the search settings for Anomaly Investigations, the minimum level value will no longer be updated if the target is within the range of adjustable conditions.


  • Fixed an issue causing players to obtain Anomaly Investigations as “unauthorized quests” if they join another player’s Anomaly Investigation for a monster they haven’t unlocked yet.
  • Fixed an error that occasionally occurred when harvesting during an Anomaly Investigation.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Anomaly Investigations joined by multiple players in the same lobby from showing up in the search results for Join Requests.
  • Detailed body hair on characters and monsters is now properly displayed when the anti-aliasing is turned off or set to “FXAA.”
    This also ensures body hair is properly displayed when NVIDIA DLSS is enabled. (Updated on August 10)
  • Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.

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Image of Chris Carter
Chris Carter
Managing Editor/Reviews Director
Managing Editor - Chris has been enjoying Destructoid avidly since 2008. He finally decided to take the next step in January of 2009 blogging on the site. Now, he's staff!