Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind is set to deliver a punch of nostalgia when it reaches its December 10 release date. The day was confirmed by developer Digital Eclipse, which announced the game in June this year.
I spent some hands-on time with Rita’s Rewind in early September. As an old fan of the corny ’90s TV series and a player of many beat ’em ups, I felt understandably cautious before trying the game. My concerns were turned into many flying sparks after playing the game, which felt to me like a near-perfect blend of crunchy brawler action and wonderful Power Rangers camp.
Needless to say, I’m excited for the game. I’m especially looking forward to the features I didn’t experience, as seen in the new Rita’s Rewind release date trailer.
Combine for a titanic throwdown
Bringing the Zords together to combat a gigantic chicken mascot (or something equally silly) was always the show’s highlight. And I’m happy to report that Rita’s Rewind doesn’t turn the moment into a short cutscene as you’d expect. No, you ride your Zords in a bullet-hell segment before taking on the biggest bad in first-person combat as the Megazord. You might not get it, but that sentence alone made some older nerd’s Christmas. Appropriate.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind is a pixelated punch-up starring the super-powered teenagers (with attitude). The game’s story follows the recent Netflix special, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Once & Always, but with a twist. Rita’s Revenge sees series antagonist Rita Repulsa team up with Once & Always‘ Robo Rita to finally rid the world of the Rangers once and for all.

Rita’s Rewind is chock full of nods and references to the classic series. It’s shaping up to be the Power Rangers brawler fans deserved — with no shade thrown toward the lone beat ’em up on SNES. Hopefully, it lives up to expectations. We’ll know for sure when the game arrives on December 10, 2024 for PC via Steam, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.
Published: Oct 30, 2024 02:14 pm