Contrary to what Aaron Greenberg has said, Lionhead has refuted the claim that Milo was a mere tech demo and won’t be available for public consumption. On the contrary, there is currently a team of fifty people still working on the Milo & Kate project, and Aaron Greenberg himself backtracked on his “not coming to market” claims earlier today.
“Project Milo absolutely continues in development at Lionhead Studios, it is just not a product we plan to bring to market this holiday,” tweeted the Microsoft demagogue.
Lately, Microsoft appears to be doing a wonderful impersonation of Sony circa 2007. Arrogant marketing, endless promises, confused public statements and outright contradictory claims. All we need now is for Major Nelson to say that Rumble’s a last-gen feature and we’ll be in real deja-vu territory.
‘Project Milo’ team about 50 strong; ‘product’ not coming this holiday [Joystiq]
Published: Jun 29, 2010 04:00 pm