Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you evidence of what happens when fanboyism is allowed to become something … more. Sure, we all have our gaming vices, and I am sure we have sometimes gone above and beyond the call of duty in the name of our videogame loves. However … commissioning a picture of Mega Man drawn in F*CKING MENSTRUAL FLUID is a bit too frigging far!
Yes, you read that right. The attached document is Mega Man drawn with dried up uterine juice. He’s never looked happier about it either, from the looks of his plasmin-soaked face. What a dirty bastard.
Anyway, the worst part of all this is that the work was not created for just for the amusement of one woman with too much time on her hands and a paintbrush up her snatch — this monstrosity was made to order. Yes, this woman used her c*nt claret to draw for somebody else. Her husband, to be more precise.
How do you even get around to asking that of you wife? “Baby, I love you, but I also love Mega Man. Can you squat over this piece of paper and push real hard?” I just don’t know how the subject can be broached.
Anyway, while you squint at that picture, I’m off to ask if my girlfriend can draw Sonic with her own piss and pubes!
Published: Dec 2, 2008 09:04 am