[Tune in to Saturday Morning Hangover every Saturday at 10am Pacific for the latest Xbox Live Indie Games, co-op play and assorted hijinks. Hosted by Conrad Zimmerman, Jordan Devore and the lovely Katrina. We have a couch! Come join us live on Destructoid’s Twitch.tv channel!]
We’re half-awake on a Saturday morning to bring you the very best entertainment two guys on a couch playing videogames can, just like every week. I’ll be tormenting Jordan with Culdcept Saga for as long as he can stomach it, followed by something he might actually enjoy in Renegade Ops. And, as always, we’ll be playing the latest Xbox Indie Games releases.
Come and join us for Saturday Morning Hangover. It’s all happening right now over on Destructoid’s Twitch.tv channel!
Published: Sep 17, 2011 12:00 pm