[Mash Tactics airs Monday through Friday at 4p.m. Pacific on Dtoid.TV. Watch King Foom play a variety of games, each day with its own theme. With a heavy focus on community and viewer interaction, you can be as much a part of the show as anything else.]
Tonight we’re kicking off “community interaction” week on Mash Tactics. If you’re wondering what that is, we’re spending this whole week playing multiplayer games, be they competitive or cooperative, each and every night with the Dtoid.Tv community.
This evening, we’ll be asking the live crowd to join us on Skype, or on PSN, for some classic game show action. The Price Is Right, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, Family Feud, and more, will get some air time tonight as we hook up, let loose, and have a good time. Come by and scream out answers, or, get in on the action for your chance at glorious cash and prizes!
Published: Jul 16, 2012 05:30 pm