Kiuyoyou Shrine is the type of shrine in Tears of the Kingdom that can have you tearing your hair out. On the surface, there’s not much to Kiuyoyou, but you’ve likely come across these types of puzzle shrines before. What seems short and simple at first can easily have you spending a considerable amount of time trying different tricks. Well, fret not. We’ve covered everything you need to know to complete Kiuyoyou Shrine below, but first, let’s take a look at how to get there.
How to find Kiuyoyou Shrine in Tears of the Kingdom
Kiuyoyou Shrine is located in the Great Hyrule Forest region of Hyrule. However, you won’t find it in the forest itself as Kiuyoyou thankfully sits just to the west of the maze like woods. The closest fast travel point for most players is Lindor’s Brow Skyview Tower to the southwest. Simply go there and use the tower to glide the whole way, the shrine is easy enough to spot as soon as you’re in the air.
There’s also Orochium Shrine a little closer, but despite the proximity, it will take longer to get to Kiuyoyou due to the mountainous area around the shrine, so we don’t recommend using it.
How to complete Kiuyoyou Shrine
As you enter Kiuyoyou Shrine, you’ll have two locked doors, a block of ice, and a group of flamethrowers to contend with in the first room.
To start, you need to open the door on the left side of the room, which is done by pushing the switch close to it. Link can’t push the switch, so you’ll need to use the block of ice, but it is currently too big to fit in the slot. To get it to fit, you need to (carefully!) melt the block of ice just enough to shrink it to size.
Note in the picture above how we put the ice block just slightly in the flames. Too much heat and you’ll lose it completely, though it will respawn if you make a mistake. Once it’s a size that will fit in the gap, place it on the switch to open the door to the next room.
As you enter the second room, you can use the gust of wind to glide your way to the top. There, you will find a block of ice dropping directly into flames. You can’t use Ultrahand to grab it before it’s too small. Instead, take the stone plate from the right side of where the ice drops and use it to block the flames.
It’s a tight fit, but the resulting fire shield should look something like the picture above. If you mistime dropping the plate into place, just use Ultrahand to throw the ice block off the ledge so that it respawns as a 100% intact ice cube.
When you have removed the ice block from harm’s way, you need to send it back to the start of the shrine. However, before you do, attach the plate to the top of the ice using Ultrahand. Once they are connected, you can slide them down the spikes, like in the picture above. Link can’t walk across the spike floor, so simply glide your way down.
At the bottom, you can use the ice block to get the chest for Kiuyoyou Shrine. Link can climb the ice, so just place it close enough to the ledge to hop across, and you’ll be rewarded with a Zonaite Spear.
After opening the chest, you can take the block of ice with the plate attached to the flamethrowers at the start of the shrine. At the bottom of where the flames are firing is a large pressure plate, similar to the kind that opened the first door. But you can’t just place the ice on the plate since it will melt.
With the stone plate attached to the ice cube, place the block so that the plate is between the ice and the fire. The stone will absorb the heat without melting the ice, and the pressure plate should drop, opening the final door. See the picture above to get an idea of placement.
That’s it! Kiuyoyou Shrine is complete. Collect your Light of Blessing and be on your way.
Published: Oct 12, 2023 10:21 am