Take a break from pushing through crowds of people with your friends at PAX by … waiting in a long line to shoot the crap out of your friends!
Sony has revealed that it will be giving PAX attendees the first-ever public opportunity to go hands on with the multiplayer mode of Guerilla’s upcoming Killzone 3. On hand will be 16 multiplayer pods, with eight-on-eight matches up and running for folks to play. On top of that, you can wait in another line to play one of seven single-player demonstrations of Killzone 3 … in 3D!
It’s not just about waiting in line for a game, because whatever. Everything looks “meh” anyhow, right? It’s about the swag! Sony will also be giving out a limited number of swag bags to attendees, including a collectible art card (picture above). Oh, and something about Killzone 3 beta codes; they’ll be letting folks know how to win those, as well.
Killzone 3 Multiplayer Hands on premieres at PAX 2010 [PlayStation Blog]
Published: Sep 1, 2010 07:30 pm