Props to the first man to defeat the pit
I’m sure you’ve all seen hard Mario Maker levels by now, but The Pit of Panga: Cape Escape by the eponymous Panga has to take the cake. It is a bottomless chasm of certain death, fiendish puzzles, and devilish dexterity challenges that seems all but unbeatable. Almost.
YouTuber Grand POOBear finally broke the curse with the first successful clear (not counting the run the creator would have had to accomplish to upload the level) of the pit. You might be familiar with both POOBear and Panga from AGDQ where they raced through levels most of us couldn’t hope to beat on our very best day, just unbelievable.
As hard as some of those levels were though, they can’t compare to the pit. Words can’t possibly do it justice, just watch the video below.
Pit of Panga: The Cape Escape finally cleared – Impossible Mario Maker Level by Panga [NeoGAF]
Published: Jan 27, 2016 11:00 pm