Of all the minions added to Final Fantasy XIV with Dawntrail, three have proven more elusive than others. One of these, the Not-so-bighorn, has finally been tracked down, but you might not like the method.
The other two elusive minions from Dawntrail are the Quetzal, which is obtained through Waterside Exploration XXXI Ventures, and the Wind-up Mamool Ja, which is obtained through Highland Exploration XXXI Ventures. I’m sure you can guess where this is going.
How to get the Not-so-bighorn minion in Final Fantasy XIV

If you guessed Woodland Exploration, you would be correct. The Not-so-bighorn minion comes from level 100 Woodland Exploration XXXI Ventures, which means you’re going to have to hope and pray that your Retainer is either generous or lucky.
Before you can send your Retainer out on this Venture, though, you’re going to have to make sure that they’re a) a Botanist and b) level 100.
If this means that you need to change your Retainers Job in order to send them out on the right type of adventure, this may be a little troublesome. However, once you’ve changed their Job to Botanist, you can purchase an item called One Retainer’s Journey on the FFXIV Online Store.
Once you have this item in your inventory, you’re able to use it after interacting with your chosen Retainer. Their level will immediately shoot up to 90, and leveling them up 10 levels is definitely easier than starting from scratch.
Can you buy the Not-so-bighorn minion in Final Fantasy XIV?

Yes, although it’s not cheap. On North American servers, the Not-so-bighorn minion is selling for anywhere between 30 and 50 million Gil, according to Universalis. Previous sales ranged from between 5 million and around 50 million.
Needless to say, you’re going to need very deep pockets if you want to purchase a Not-so-bighorn outright. However, this price is likely to drop once more of the minion have been obtained and sold.
Published: Jul 12, 2024 02:02 pm