While Season 22 has earned some wins for Destiny 2, there are always points of frustration within the game. Of course, fans weren’t too pleased following a disastrous State of the Game and a meandering reveal of The Final Shape expansion. Still, some Guardians have put up with worse, like a year-long wait for a returning seasonal event to earn its rewards. That’s the case for any Guardian that doesn’t already have the powerful Heir Apparent Exotic machine gun and its catalyst.
Destiny 2 entertains players with seasonal content that includes evolving narratives, new activities, and even holiday events. The Guardian Games is a Springtime celebration that has players competing against each other to determine which Class reigns supreme. This festive event is a hub of friendly rivalry and a treasure trove of new rewards. The epicenter of attraction during the event is the exclusive availability of the Heir Apparent.
What does the Heir Apparent exotic machine gun do?

While the Heir Apparent might have lost some of its past luster in PvP, it still stands as a beacon of strength on the battlefield. In particular, its unique attribute, Armor Of The Colossus, transforms Guardians into a fortress on legs.
This unique weapon demands a preliminary wind-up phase before players can start firing from its hefty 200-round magazine. Moreover, achieving a full spin while undamaged activates Armor Of The Colossus. The accompanying catalyst to Heir Apparent further enhances shield endurance, enabling players to stand tall against even the harshest adversities for a prolonged period.
- Corkscrew Rifling: Increases range, stability, and handling stats on the Heir Apparent.
- Appended Mag: Grants higher-than-average magazine size for the weapon.
- Armor Of The Colossus: Guardians gain an Arc barrier while at full health and making use of the Heavy Slug Thrower trait.
- Combat Grip: Recoil while firing tends to be vertical, making it easier to control over longer periods of time.
- Heavy Slug Thrower: Holding the button that would normally aim Heir Apparent starts spinning up the weapon’s multiple barrels. Guardians cannot shoot the gun until it is fully spun up.
- Leigon’s Bulwark (catalyst): Guardian’s Arc barrier from Armor Of The Colossus has improved durability, and the weapon is partially reloaded if destroyed.
How to get the Heir Apparent

Note that the time has come and gone for those aiming to add the Heir Apparent and its catalyst to their arsenal. These items are exclusive to the Guardian Games event in Destiny 2, and there’s not currently any other way to obtain them. The 2023 Guardian Games event window ran for three weeks, from May 2nd until the 23rd. That said, once the time is right to hunt for the Heir Apparent, the pathway to the weapon is relatively straightforward. Players will need to play through and complete the “Best in Class” event quest before embarking on the “Top of Class” quest.
To procure the Heir Apparent, players must prove themselves through a sequence of quests. It all kicks off with Eva Levante in the Tower via the “Best in Class” quest. This introductory task is the gateway into the Guardian Games and teaches players the finer details of the event. It shouldn’t take very long to complete. But it will require Guardians to equip a specific Class Item to ensure Guardian Games Medallions are being collected.
Top of Class – Step One:
The initial stage of this quest asks players to obtain and deposit a Medallion at the Tower. This can be accomplished through two methods, with the easiest way to earn Medallions being through various activities. Additionally, Eva Levante offers Gold and Platinum Medallions via Bounties for those seeking a higher-tier challenge.
Top of Class – Step Two:
For the final part of the quest, players need to eliminate enemies while using machine guns. The tracker initially reads 0/100 for progress, but some targets can reward additional points. Specifically, tackling Guardians contributes towards more significant progress in the quest. Once completed, players are ready to start using the Heir Apparent and begin work towards the catalyst.
How to get the Heir Apparent catalyst

Earning the catalyst for the Heir Apparent will take players through another quest that’s only accessible during the Guardian Games event. Still, there’s a little more chance involved. Starting the “Competitive Catalyst” quest is where things can become tricky, as it’s a random drop that can appear whenever Guardians dunk Medallians at the Tower. While higher-quality Medallions seem to provide better chances for the quest to appear, there’s no guarantee. Once players do get lucky, though, there are only three more steps before the catalyst is theirs.
Competitive Catalyst – Step One:
The first step of “Competitive Catalyst” has Guardians banking Medallions at the Tower to rack up a total of “50 points.” While it might initially appear that players will need to produce 50 individual Medallions, it’s important to note that the doodads’ point worth is tied to their rarity.
- Platinum Medallions: 15 points
- Gold Medallions: 5 points
- Silver Medallions: 2 points
- Bronze Medallions: 1 point
Competitive Catalyst – Step Two:
Once players have earned enough Medallion points, the next step of the quest asks Guardians to visit Eva Levante and complete three Contender Cards. These bounty-like tasks come in two varieties: one that rewards Gold Medallions and one that offers Platinum Medallions. Players can choose whichever tasks they are most comfortable with.
Competitive Catalyst – Step Three:
The final step of the “Competitive Catalyst” quest demands 90 “Competitive Spirit.” This resource is entirely specific to the Heir Apparent catalyst quest. It cannot be acquired until Guardians are on the third step of the “Competitive Catalyst” quest. Competitive Spirit can be earned by defeating enemies with machine guns in any playlist activity. While it’s not too daunting on its own, especially if Guardians hop into a couple Strikes, precision machine gun kills reward extra Competitive Spirit.
With the final step of the “Competitive Catalyst” quest complete, players will have full access to the Heir Apparent and all of its mighty features.
Published: Sep 14, 2023 07:04 am