The town gets decorated for the Spring Festival in Fields of Mistria
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How to get first place at the Spring Festival in Fields of Mistria

Competition is fierce

The Spring Festival takes place every year on Spring 17 in Fields of Mistria, and is not only a good chance to talk to all of the villagers in one place (always a blessing!) but also a chance for you to get competitive or buy some unique items only available through the festival. 

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If you’re wondering what you can purchase or want to know how to knock Celine from her place atop the winner’s podium at the Spring Festival, keep reading. 

Tips for achieving first place in Fields of Mistria’s Flower Festival

The competition is fierce at the Spring Festival in Fields of Mistria
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Three days before the Spring Festival is due to take place, Celine will show up at your farm first thing in the morning to inform you about a competition involving flowers. You’ll have three days to gather up as much Breath of Spring as you can, which seems easy, but you’re going to need a lot of it. 

The minimum number of Breath of Spring you’ll need to gather up through completing everyday tasks is 50. This is a pretty big ask, considering the relatively low drop rate that the flower seems to have, but here’s some tips:

  • Visit the Mines, as Breath of Spring seems to drop more frequently there
  • Pick the Berries from every bush that you see – this doesn’t use stamina and Breath of Spring seems to drop fairly often 

If you place in the top three for collecting Breath of Wild, you can get some prizes, such as the Breath of Spring Planter and Breath of Spring Basket. However, even if you don’t come in the top three, these are still available to purchase from festival vendors. 

What are the prizes at the Spring Festival in Fields of Mistria?

Items available from the Spring Festival in Fields of Mistria
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Depending on how well you do in the Breath of Spring competition, the stock available at vendors may vary. The available items didn’t seem to differ at all in my two playthroughs (one of which I placed second, and the other I placed first). 

Here’s what was available for me on both playthroughs:

  • Scent of Spring (Universally loved gift item)
  • Breath of Spring Planter (Furniture)
  • Breath of Spring Basket (Furniture)
  • Breath of Spring Wreath (Furniture)
  • Flower Crown (Cosmetic)
  • Flower Earrings (Cosmetic)
  • Floral Tea (Food)
  • Coffee (Food)
  • Tulip Cake (Food)

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.