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Image via Rockstar

How to get Celebrity Apperances in GTA Online

Never say no to more money

If you’re running a Nightclub in GTA Online and looking to boost your revenue from it, having a celebrity appearance can be immensely helpful.

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Nightclubs are certainly one of my favorite activities given the glitz and glam that is associated with it inside the game. Even if you’re managing your Nightclub efficiently, having a celebrity appearance is always going to be beneficial. There is an essence of RNG as you can’t predetermine which celebrity will appear.

Nevertheless, they’re almost always beneficial for your business, and let’s take a look at how to attract the in-game celebrities to your joint.

How to make a celebrity appear in your GTA Online nightclub

To attract your celebrities, you’ll need to complete certain promotion missions. Go to your Nightclub and login to your PC (in-game) to find Nightclub Management. From there, select “Promote”, and you’ll begin your promotion mission.

  • Once the mission has begun, step outside, and you’ll find your escort vehicle. Once you enter the vehicle, a timer will begin.
  • The next job is to reach the next objective but try to avoid damaging the vehicle too much. Especially make sure that you don’t end up mowing down the celebrity because that’s not going to look too good.
  • After picking up the celebrity, you’ll have to lose the paparazzi. They will be marked on the mini-map, so try and avoid them as much as you can.
  • After successfully managing to do the last task, you’ll have to pick up another personnel for the celebrity.
  • Once done, you’ll have to drop off the celebrity at your Nightclub. Once they have headed inside and spent some time, you’ll get a message about the bonus.

Do remember that you can have only one celebrity per night. It’s not a mandatory thing to do, but it’s always a welcome way to boost your Nightclub’s finances.

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