The Bookseller in Stardew Valley
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How to get all Books in Stardew Valley

Dewey Decimal System not necessary

With the 1.6 update of Stardew Valley, a new collectible has been added – Books. These books are not only fun to hunt down and collect, but they also offer perks once found and read. Here’s how to find all of the Books in Stardew Valley

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Some Books grant exp towards one of your skills, such as Woodcutter’s Weekly for Foraging, while others grant permanent perks that help you in the long run, such as Way of the Wind, which permanently increases your running speed. There’s a book for seemingly everything, and while the update’s Bookseller sells many of them, others are found by doing various tasks. 

How to find all Books in Stardew Valley

The Books collection tab in Stardew Valley
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Whether you’re just beginning a new save file or you’re looking for that one remaining book, here’s the full collection, what perks they offer and how you get them. 

It’s worth noting that the Bookseller has rotating stock, so you may not be able to purchase the book you’re looking for when they’re visiting. Thankfully, there are usually other ways to obtain the books that they sell, so you can still hunt for them during the two weeks between the Bookseller visits.

Book titleDescriptionHow to get
Animal CatalogueAllows you to access Marnie’s shop, even when she’s not aroundPurchase from Marnie for 5,000 Gold.
Bait and BobberGrants some Fishing experience– Purchased from the Bookseller for 5,000 Gold
– Can be obtained from Artifact Spots
– Can be found in Golden Mystery Boxes
– Can be found in crates in the Mines
Book of StarsGrants experience for every skill– Bought from the Bookseller for 15,000 Gold
– Reward for completing Mr. Raccoon’s fourth request
Book of MysteriesIncreases chances of finding Mystery BoxesCan be found within Mystery Boxes or Golden Mystery Boxes
Combat QuarterlyGrants Combat experience– Purchased from the Bookseller for 5,000 Gold
– Found in Fishing Treasure Chests
– Can be found in Golden Mystery Boxes
– Possible drop while chopping trees
– Purchased at the Traveling Cart
Dwarvish Safety Manual25% damage taken from bombsPurchased from the Dwarf for 4,000 Gold
Friendship 101Increases Villager friendship speed – Purchased from the Bookseller for 20,000 Gold
– Possible Prize from Lewis’ Prize Machine
Horse: The BookHorse runs a little fasterPurchased from the Bookseller for 25,000 Gold
Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Thick+1 Defense– Purchased from the Bookseller for 20,000 Gold
– Can be obtained from Artifact Spots
Jewels of the SeFishing Treasure Chests have chance to yield Roe– Bought from the Bookseller for 20,000 Gold
– Can be found in Fishing Treasure Chests
Mapping Cave SystemsReading this book will result in Marlon’s item retrieval service costing 50% lessFound in a box in the back room of the Adventurer’s Guild, which is accessible after slaying 1000 monsters
Mining MonthlyGrants some Mining experience– Purchased from the Bookseller for 8,000 Gold
– Can be found in Golden Mystery Boxes
Monster CompendiumMonsters loot drops randomly double Possible drop when slaying monsters
Ol’ SlitherlegsAllows you run faster through crops and grassPurchased from the Bookseller for 20,000 Gold
Price CatalogueMakes the selling price for all items in your inventory or storage visiblePurchased from the Bookseller for 3,000 Gold
Queen of Sauce CookbookReveals every recipe, whether they have appeared on Queen of Sauce or notPurchased from the Bookseller for 50,000 Gold
Stardew Valley AlmanacGrants some Farming experience– Purchased from the Bookseller for 10,000 Gold
– Possible prize from Lewis’ Prize Machine
The Alleyway BuffetIncreases chances of finding items in trash cansCan be found in the gold trash can, which is accessible through a hidden hole in the fence between the Museum and JojaMart 
The Art O’ CrabbingIncreases chance for Crab Pots to yield double items by 25%– Purchased from the Bookseller for 20,000 Gold
– Won at SquidFest by reaching Iridium tier
The Diamond HunterGives you a chance to get a Diamond out of any stone when Mining by handPurchased from the Dwarf in the Volcano Dungeon for 10 Diamonds
Treasure Appraisal GuideArtifacts sell for a higher price after reading this Book– Purchased from the Bookseller for 20,000 Gold
– Can be found in Mystery Boxes and Artifact Troves
Raccoon JournalIncreases Mixed Seeds drop rate from weeds – Obtained after completing Mr. Raccoon’s second request
– Purchased from Mrs. Raccoon’s shop in exchange for 999 Fiber
Way of the Wind Pt. 1Increases running speedPurchased from the Bookseller for 15,000 Gold
Way of the Wind Pt. 2Increases running speedPurchased from the Bookseller for 35,000 Gold if  you already own Way of the Wind Pt. 1
Woodcutter’s WeeklyGrants some Foraging experience– Purchased from the Bookseller for 8,000 Gold
– Can be purchased at the Traveling Cart
– Can be bought from the merchant at the Desert Festival
– Can be found randomly when chopping trees
Woody’s SecretChopped down trees have a 5% chance of yielding double the woodObtained randomly through chopping trees

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.