There are a lot of mysteries at play in Life is Strange: Double Exposure, and as you play, things will slowly begin to make a little more sense. From the very first chapter, we’ve heard the name Maya mentioned a few times, but who is she?
Chapter 3 dives deeper into this question, but the answers are not given freely. Most of the chapter is spent trying to find out who she was, why she’s connected to Safi, and who wronged her to the extent that she felt she needed to take her own life?
Unfortunately, talking to the people who knew her will not be a rewarding experience. In fact, people absolutely shut down at the mere mention of her name. Instead, we’ll need to use Max’s ability to traverse the split timeline in order to get the information we need.
How to listen in on Vinh and Diamond’s confrontation

When you arrive in the Admin Building to talk to Vinh about Maya, he won’t want to discuss her, at least not any more than anyone else seems to. However, you can make your way to the Dead World and then enter the Library to find Diamond and Vinh having something of a heated discussion in the corner.
Diamond is trying to take the Abraxas leadership from Vinh, and after he walks away, she will ask you for some information she can use to make him drop out of an upcoming race for leadership.
Either dialogue option will get you the same result, and Diamond will head off to confront Vinh with the information you’ve just given her. In order to listen to their upcoming argument, make your way to the Living World and go into Vinh’s office, then use Pulse to listen in on what’s happening in the other timeline.
With the information now in your arsenal, head back to the Living World and talk to Vinh in his office, using the new information to your advantage. He’ll direct you towards Lucas, telling you that the professor has “blood on his hands”, but nothing more. Vinh will also admit that it was him who put the cow skull through Safi’s windshield, in an attempt to direct her anger towards Lucas.
How to get information on Maya from Lucas

Talking to Lucas won’t really get you anywhere, but that shouldn’t come as a surprise at this point. Instead, after your discussion in his office, use the Portal there to cross into the Dead World. In this timeline, Lucas has gone to the Burlington Book Expo, so you can snoop for as long as you need.
First, interact with the family photo on Lucas’ desk. Move it around until you can see the bottom, and you’ll discover a small key taped to it. With the key in hand, you’ll need to figure out what it unlocks.

There are three options:
- The drawer under the Espresso Machine
- One of the cabinets of the bookshelves
- The golden typewriter on display on the shelves
The key will only unlock the golden typewriter, so interact with it to gain access to the secrets within. It turns out that Lucas’ book may not be the original piece of work he’s made it out to be. Could his plagiarism be the cause for Maya’s untimely death?
Published: Oct 30, 2024 10:06 am