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How to complete A Bump in the Road in Fallout 76

Get into a caravan company.

A Bump in the Road is the quest in Fallout 76 that sees you join a business partner and start your own caravan company. This is an intrinsic part of the Fallout universe, and now you get to engage with it every time you log in.

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You’ll need to seek out the A Bump in the Road quest in Fallout 76 by heading to Skyline Valley on the map. It should be automatically added to your quest log as a side quest once you’re in the area. Check your Pip-Boy for details and track it so you don’t lose sight of what you should be doing. As for tackling the quest, you’re going to need to get a little violent and learn the ropes of what it takes to be a caravan guard in the Appalachian Wasteland.

How to complete A Bump in the Road in Fallout 76

Below, I’ve explained how to complete A Bump in the Road in Fallout 76 in easy-to-follow steps. It’s not a hugely complex quest, but there are points that can trip you up if you don’t know what to do, as well as some tough enemy encounters that will throw you off.

Step 1: Investigate the flare

investigate the flair fallout 76 a bump in the road
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The first part of this quest sends you to a lookout tower to investigate a flare. It’s pretty straightforward in theory. Just head to the location marked on your map and have a look around. That is until you reach this location and realize that you’re in for a tough fight.

The area is filled with high-level Super Mutants, and they’re out for blood. One has a minigun up in the tower, a few have grenades, and the others just want to rip you apart with blunt objects. Bring your most powerful weapons to this fight because they won’t let up. I ended up ripping them apart with a powerful axe because I couldn’t land a shot.

lukes holotape fallout 76
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Once you’ve cleared out all the Super Mutants, and make sure you really have cleared them all out, you need to search the cage underneath the lookout tower. There’s a body in here with an item called Luke’s Holotape that you must pick up and listen to.

getting brahmin cargo fallout 76 a bump in the road
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The Holotape has a harrowing final note on it from Luke, a man working as a caravanner who took a risk he shouldn’t have. He asks you to pick up the cargo from the Brahmin he was using and take it to Milepost Zero. You’ll find the Brahmin next to the cages of flesh at the top of the camp.

Step 2: Visit Milepost Zero

marley at milepost zero fallout 76
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Your next objective is to visit Milepost Zero, a new location right at the bottom of the map. I fast traveled to a nearby camp and walked along to it, but make sure you watch out for Feral Ghouls in the area because they are no joke.

Here, you’ll meet Marley. She’s trying to start her own caravan company and needs a little help. If you want to help her, you’re going to need to buy into the company to get it off the ground. This costs 500 Caps, which isn’t cheap, but it also won’t take you long to earn that many if you play well.

Step 3: Complete a Caravan: Skyline Drive World Event

starting a caravan skyline drive world event fallout 76
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Once you’ve paid your way in, you’ll need to head out and complete a Caravan: Skyline Drive World Event. This is pretty simple to do either by speaking to Marley and asking to run a caravan or by joining a World Event that’s already in progress. The symbol you want to pick to join this World Event on the map looks like a Brahmin head and will transport you directly to it.

These World Events aren’t the easiest to complete. The Brahmin, your caravan, will head to its destination, and you’ve got to defend it from everything under the sun that tries to kill it. I encountered some incredibly high-level enemies doing this, including a Blue Devil, which wasn’t fun at all.

There will also be sections of trees on the road that slow your Brahmin down. You’ll need to cut through them with your weapons and rush the Brahmin on to get the mission done within the time limit. However, once you reach that destination, you’ll receive a big package of Supplies and other useful items.

Step 4: Return to Marley

spending supplies with marley fallout 76
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Head back to Marley at Milepost Zero and talk with her. Since you’re now part of the caravan company, you get a say in who you hire. This will cost you Supplies, which you can earn more of by completing more Caravan World Events.

The employees you hire will add new elements to the caravan company’s HQ. For example, I hired a Brahmin Tamer, which allows you to have easy access to Brahmin Milk. There are several employees to hire, and you’ll eventually want to invest in them all by completing more World Events and spending those supplies. Over time, you’ll create an incredibly profitable business.

After making your first hire, you’ll complete the quest. This leaves you all set up for more caravan runs and the prospects of building a booming business in the post-apocalypse.

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Image of Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp
Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp
Staff Writer
Jamie is a Staff Writer on Destructoid who has been playing video games for the better part of the last three decades. He adores indie titles with unique and interesting mechanics and stories, but is also a sucker for big name franchises, especially if they happen to lean into the horror genre.