Like Arlo, Sierra’s team lineup will keep you on your toes, using her vast range of unique Pokémon. We’ve put together this guide to help you defeat Sierra in Pokémon Go, featuring the best team and counters to use against her.
How to defeat Sierra in Pokémon Go
After you’ve defeated Team Go Grunts and obtained the Rocket Radar, it’ll be time to hunt down Sierra alongside Cliff and Giovanni. Her lineup has recently changed with the Adventure Week update, which introduced Shadow Carvanha and Ampharos. These new additions have made her ensemble more challenging to defeat, so we’ll provide you with a suitable team to counter them.
Best team lineup for Sierra in Pokémon Go
Use Mewtwo, Rhyperior, and Gardevoir for the best team lineup against Sierra. As a Ground Type, Rhyperior helps out significantly with Sierra’s Ampharos, Houndoom, and Nidoqueen. It’s one of the few that covers multiple members, considering the others have distinct vulnerabilities.

To counter Carvanha and Sableye, equip Gardevoir to unleash Fairy Type attacks. You can also use it for Nidoqueen, thanks to Gardvoir’s Psychic abilities. The rest of Sierra’s lineup will be tricky, as they all span different weaknesses. Mewtwo may be your best bet since it’s been known to deal plenty of damage, regardless of the enemy’s type. Plus, you can use its Shadow Ball Ghost move on Alakazam or Thunderbolt on Milotic.
If you don’t have any of these choices or are looking for alternatives, here’s a look into the best counters for Sierra in Pokémon Go.
Best counters against Sierra in Pokémon Go
Sierra’s Pokémon | Counters |
Shadow Carvanha | -Gardevoir -Zacian -Xerneas -Florges -Lucario -Togekiss -Machamp -Magnezone -Breloom -Kartana -Heracross -Terrakion -Conkeldurr |
Shadow Milotic (second round possibility) | -Raikou -Kartana -Sceptile -Xurkitree -Electivire -Magnezone -Zekrom |
Shadow Sableye (second round possibility) | -Gardevoir -Zacian -Xerneas -Florges -Togekiss -Sylveon -Granbull -Tapu Bulu |
Shadow Ampharos (second round possibility) | -Garchomp -Excadrill -Groudon -Mamoswine -Swampert -Rhyperior |
Shadow Houndoom (third round possibility) | -Lucario -Tyranitar -Machamp -Kyogre -Rhyperior -Hariyama |
Shadow Nidoqueen (third round possibility) | -Garchomp -Excadrill -Groudon -Mamoswine -Swampert -Mewtwo -Baxcalibur -Metagross -Rhyperior |
Shadow Alakazam (third round possibility) | -Gengar -Tyranitar -Dawn Wings Necrozma -Chandelure -Incineroar -Guzzlord |
The first round begins with Shadow Carvanha, a Pokémon weak against Grass, Electric, Fighting, Bug, and Fairy. Given that it has several vulnerabilities, it’ll be pretty easy to eliminate, especially with Gardevoir. But if you had the other weaknesses in mind, Lucario is always an excellent choice as one of the strongest Pokémon out there.

After Carvanha has been defeated, Shadow Milotic, Sableye, or Ampharos will appear during the second match. Selecting one suitable choice for this is challenging since they all have various weaknesses. If you’ve chosen our best team lineup, then Sableye and Ampharos should at least be covered. As for Milotic, Grass and Electric Types will shine here, including Electivire and Sceptile.
Shadow Houndoom, Nidoqueen, or Alakazam will come out to play in Sierra’s final round. Fortunately, Houndoom and Nidoqueen share a weakness in Ground Types, allowing you to use Rhyperior, Groundon, or Mamoswine. Alakazam will prove the most difficult with its vulnerability to Bug, Ghost, and Dark Types. Incineroar’s Dark moves will benefit this, as well as Chandelure’s Ghost attacks. It’s still possible to get by with others, even if you don’t have the correct counter against it.
Published: Oct 1, 2024 05:02 pm